Thursday, October 25, 2007

Not Feeling it Today...

Well guys, I'm really not feeling the blog post today. Perhaps it's 4 days of no sunshine, or maybe it's hormones, maybe it's something else... Or maybe it's all of the above. But I thought I would give you a quick update on Strive for Five. My team was missing a member again (a different one this time), so we didn't get our "official" weight. But as for weighing individually, I gained .8 pounds, which probably coincides with my "over-fat" result from the body fat test at the health fair yesterday. Gotta love it: overfat, not overweight. I'm thinking overfat is worse than overweight. Even if the implication is the same. I'm not stressing over it, though. I'm just crossing my fingers that it's fluid-weight (although that still doesn't solve the overfat issue) :).


Katherine Ronachert said...

hello! just so you know that was totally me yesterday and the day before and the day before! stay tuned for a long drawn out email on my emotional status.

Heath Hopkins said...

I wouldn't put any stock in scientific measurements made by people at UA. :P I think the results are skewed depending on the amount of moisture on your feet, and probably the amount of electrolytes in your body. I think you look great as always.