Thursday, October 4, 2007

Yippee Hooray! Weigh-in Day!

Well, I wouldn't be so excited about weigh-in day if I hadn't lost weight. So yay! I did!! I lost 2 pounds and 2 ounces, to be exact :). I am now 1 ounce lighter than I was the first time I weighed here. Not that I'm really counting that one ounce as serious weight-loss. But it's still exciting. Now to just keep going down... Oh, and my team also lost another pound and a half since last week. So we continue to drop below our beginning weight as a team. That makes me feel good.
In other good news, I have officially been informed that my application was approved to move into the apartment, so everything is squared away there, except for the moving part. I worked on packing more last night after class. I guess the task is not as impossible as it seems, since I really did not unpack that much stuff when I first moved in. But sometimes, just thinking about it still feels incredibly overwhelming. I have gotten all my books packed up (except those I am currently using and my cookbooks) and all my movies and CDs packed. So, other than picture frames, I don't really have anything else to PACK in the living room, because the rest is just furniture. So, I will move on to taking apart the computer desk. I know that I will really start to see progress this weekend as I continue to take things down and pack things up. And little by little, the task will be accomplished.

Well, something from the past: Did any of you ever watch Daffy Duck's Quackbusters? We loved that cartoon/movie when we were younger. It came out in 1988, and is a compilation of a bunch of different cartoons. Our favorite part was the clip from The Duxorcist when some pretty female duck was possessed and she was trying to convince Daffy Duck that weird things were happening, but he didn't believe her... Until he put her in a trance and she started floating and singing "Mary had a little lamb..." And then she turned into this hideous she-beast duck, sat up in mid-air and screamed, "...BUT I ATE IT!" Anyway, probably it's not so funny when I describe it. But when we watched it, it took us by surprise and really cracked us up. The whole thing is a spoof off of real movies (like Ghostbusters and The Exorcist). Pretty cute, though. Well, in the words of Porky Pig (since I am, after all, talking about the Looney Toons here), "That's all, folks!"

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