Friday, September 30, 2011

The Results of Anticipation

So I am blogging at 7:55 in the morning. And I've been awake for about 2 hours. If you know me well, you know this is very un-Nilla of me. But these are the results of excitement :). I know this, because I've been a Nilla for a very long time (almost 31 years, in fact) and I know this is how I respond to happy anticipation :). For example:

If I am taking a trip, like on an airplane, I usually wake up every hour (almost on the hour) the night before. This is usually if my flight is in the morning. So you can expect that I will be doing this or something similar on November 17th. Because Jeremy and I will fly out in the morning on the 18th. And I'm already excited about it now... I can only imagine how giddy I will be the night before :).

The day of my first date with Jeremy, I woke up at 4:45 and tried for an hour to go back to sleep. I eventually gave up and just got up. It was such a happy time full of excitement and I was so excited :). Mmmm... I love having such happy memories :).

Anyway, so why am I so excited and full of anticipation today? Why in the world did I wake up at 5:50 and was incapable of going back to sleep? Well, I have a busy day :). I will be signing a lease on my new apartment. Which is actually a little house. And okay, so I'm not excited about the amount of money by which my account is going to shrink, but I know it's for a good purpose :). I'm going to have a place of my own!!! And okay, so maybe this doesn't seem so exciting as to be lack-of-sleep worthy. But somehow it is, because it is paired with my couch that I bought yesterday. And let me just say I consider this a small miracle -- a tender mercy -- from Heavenly Father. So all week I've been scouring craigslist for a dresser and a loveseat or couch. Reasonably priced. And fairly decent. I'm not picky about colors and such, but I am picky about cleanliness. Anyway, I didn't have a lot of success. Last Saturday, my mom and I went to both Goodwill and another thrift store and I didn't see much of anything I was interested in. Well, except I learned they sell old-school TVs (not flat screen) for $12.99. and let me just go ahead and say that I don't need a flat screen. Once I get settled, I'll probably buy one of those things. But really, the point is that I needed a couch (or something to sit on) and a dresser for clothes. So yesterday, on a whim, on my lunch break (because I don't usually leave for lunch) I decided to go to the Goodwill in the city where I work. I actually sat in the car first and read scriptures, because I did want to make sure I did that. And then I went inside. I looked around the furniture, sat on a couple things. Nothing struck my interest. Perhaps because they were all so short (well, I think that's because they take the legs off, but that didn't occur to me at the time...). I happened to have glanced a green couch on the far entry (outside) when I walked in, so I gave up on the inside and decided that I would just walk by that green couch I saw. Well, it was up on a little rolly cart -- and it was exactly the kind of couch I've always wanted! Soft, big-armed, cushie. But it was on that cart with a guy walking around it putting the legs on it. I just knew it was sold. But I asked him anyway and he said it wasn't! (I'm thinking now that it had just come in and been priced and was now being set out). So he got the legs on it and got it off the dolly. I inspected it. I sat on it. Oh my! Yes, very enveloping (pronounced like that thing you put a letter in ;)... Hahaha... That's for Julie). And not a hideous color. More like a sage green. And the price? $34.99. Really!?! So I inspected some more. Sat some more. Smelled it a la "ew stank" (that's for Julie too :)). And okay, so I can tell the previous owners had a dog. But I had to actually put my nose on the cushion to notice that, because I'd been sitting there already and didn't smell it. And I'd say that's a good sign. I can always wash it (the cushion covers come off -- I checked). This was a bargain, I'm telling you. And so I texted Brad: could he help me pick it up tomorrow (today). He answered immediately: yes. Wahoo!!! So I went in and bought it. I'm not a compulsive shopper. I'm pretty tight with my money (ask my dad :)). But I knew this was a good deal. And I'd say it was just being in the right place at the right time, and maybe it was. But it was also a blessing. Because having a place to sit in my new home is a pretty big priority. And I know Heavenly Father desires to bless us. Even when it's small things :). And I'm thankful to be able to recognize the blessings, even though I am positive I don't recognize most of them I receive. But when I do recognize one, I'm grateful. Oh so grateful. I will upload a picture of it when Brad and I get it here this afternoon.

Oh! I'm getting soooo excited!! I'm sitting here thinking of unpacking my pictures and hanging them up and... Oh me oh my! I can barely contain my excitement :).

And then there's the up-coming Alabama trip. And the up-coming Fall event with Jeremy's family. And it's Conference weekend at church, which means I get to attend church with Jeremy both Saturday and Sunday :). And yep...

So today is going to be a busy day. I should be tired (I didn't get my preferred 7 to 8 hours of sleep -- I got 6), but I'm not. I'm wide awake! And ready for the day :).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where [I'm] At

Oh goody! A song title post. There's a blast from my past.

Well, seeing as we are just about through with September, I figure now is a good time to update the blogosphere with my 2011 goals. I will also give you a run-down of the information promised in last week’s post. I will start with that :).

It is official – the Alabama trip, that is. November 18 through November 25. And a good time will be had by all, I’m sure :).

The apartment thing… Still looking. I went and looked at the one I mentioned last week. Let’s just say life is always an adventure. For one thing, I showed up and nobody was there to meet me. Except another couple showed up who were going to be viewing the apartment at the same time -- which was a little awkward. And then the guy who was going to show it finally called and said he was sorry, that he’d gone to the wrong apartment! Well, that didn’t instill much confidence, quite frankly. Add to that the fact that the apartment needed more than just carpets replaced (which they were going to do) and that there were only 2 parking spaces for 8 apartments (yeah, you do the math…) – and it being in downtown, I’d probably have had to pay for parking (ummm…. No thanks)… Yeah, I didn’t get the warm fuzzies from that place. But that’s okay. We try again. I already have the next place picked out that I want to look into. It’s cute – a little tiny house. I emailed the company who rents it and heard back that it’s still available. Now to see if I can schedule a time. We shall see. But again, I know it’ll happen when it’s right. Until then, I just try. And really, it’s kind of fun to sit back and imagine all the excitement of my own place (and imagining it in the different places I’m looking at). And since a lot of my stuff has been in boxes for at least 3 years (and some of it as long as 5), it’s going to be like a treasure chest when I do finally have a place and start unpacking! I’m picturing all my cool kitchen gadgets now… :). Yep, that’s one of my weaknesses: kitchen stuff.

Oh, and I made my friend Donna’s pepper jelly. This stuff is awesome, though mine doesn’t pack such a punch (I think my garden jalapenos – those I used 30 of those suckers – weren’t quite hot enough…). Also I will cut back on the sugar next time, because it’s sweeter than I remember hers being. But then again, maybe this has to do with the lacking hotness?

Saturday my mom, Jeremy, and I went to a church Service Project in which we beautified our city by cleaning up sidewalks, etc. The weather has turned chilly, so afterward, when Jeremy and I went out to Applebee’s and to the waterfront to walk around, I made sure to have a sweater :). Yep, Fall will be here soon… It’s in the air.

Okay, so that about catches you up on that sort of stuff. The daily goings-on of the Nilla Life. But as I said, I need to keep tabs on my progress with the goals I set for 2011. Hold myself accountable and all that.

1. Attend the Temple monthly. I’ve been doing well with this goal. I did miss 2 months in the first part of the year, but those are still the only 2 months I’ve missed. So 7 out of 9. It’s been good to do this. I usually go with my mom, and we have enjoyed the time together. We usually eat together, either before or after. It’s just nice.

2. Read scriptures for 30 minutes each day. I can say I have improved hugely in this category since my 4-month update. Mostly this is because I decided that my lunch hour is a good time to focus on reading my scriptures. This way I make sure I make them a priority and do it before the end of the day when life gets hectic. And let me say that I have gotten so much more out of the scriptures since reorganizing my priorities. I followed more, I was able to apply more things to my life… And since the Stake President had challenged us in February to read the Book of Mormon before the next Stake Conference (which was a couple weeks ago), I had decided to work toward that goal, and I was able to accomplish it! Mostly due to the fact that I had decided to read during my lunch break. So that has been a blessing all around. I will still give myself an 85% on it, though. Because I don’t have as much self-discipline on Friday through Sunday sometimes, and reporting here is all about being honest. So there is still room for improvement, but I am glad to say I have definitely improved to this point :).

3. Write in my journal weekly. I have pretty much done this consistently. There might be one week since my last update in which I didn’t. But I only missed it by a day or two. I know I will be so grateful in the years ahead that I set this goal and followed through with it. Actually, I already am. I already go back and read stuff from earlier this year. See how things have changed, etc. It’s a good thing to keep a journal. Life happens so fast, and if we don’t record it, we are liable to forget some good stuff – and some significant moments.

4. Write 30 minutes a day. Yeah, not so much. That fell by the wayside when I gave up my room and got an almost-full-time job and etc. etc. etc. One day I’ll get back to it, though. Possibly not in 2011, though ;).

5. Continue adding to my savings account. Yep, been doing this faithfully. I’m glad too :). It is amazing how following the counsel of church leaders can be such a blessing. I don’t pull in a lot of money by any means, but the fact that I’ve continued to put money into savings, even if it wasn’t very much, and also the fact that I’ve been out of debt for over a year now have led to me feeling financially sound and ready to be able to move out on my own. I’m thankful.

6. Become organized and stay that way. Oy. Not doing so well on this one either. Actually, I am hopeful that, if I do eventually get a place of my own, this will be helped significantly simply by the fact that I’ll have a place to put stuff… Until then, I just need to still work toward the goal, even if it’s in small ways.

7. Achieve at least one of my “bucket list” items. Well, I haven’t so far. I suppose something could change in 3.5 months and I will manage to pull this off. But, then again, maybe I won’t. At least not this year. But hey… There’s always next year ;).

8. See a new place. Well, I’m doubtful that I will accomplish this one either, truthfully. Between starting a new job (and therefore not having leave time to use for 6 months) and choosing to spend money to go to Alabama in November rather than some exotic locale (and believe me, Alabama is probably the better option anyway ;)), this kind of took a back-seat. But again, there’s always next year :).

9. Lose about 8 more pounds. I think I reported in May that I had accomplished this goal and surpassed it. And I have continued to maintain where I was in May, so I’m happy with that.

10. 72 Hour Kits. Blech. So important. So not accomplished. I think I probably need to accomplish #6 and that will help me with this goal.

11. 3 to 6 months food storage. Again, I’ve seen little forward motion with this. I have been given some great ideas to help me on my way. I just need to get around to implementing them! And again, I think #6 will help here. (As will having a place to call my own…).

12. Expand my garden. Yep, I did this :). I still grew a ton of tomatoes (and now they are ripening and I have tomatoes of various sizes and types coming out my ears!) but I also grew jalapenos (which were not hot, as I mentioned above…), bell peppers, zucchini (and found a couple of ways to use it that I really like! Plus a recipe my mom went nuts over and made again the other night…), acorn squash, cucumbers, pumpkin, lettuce, chives, and cilantro – in addition to the strawberries that were already in place. Yep, I grew new stuff and got something out of all of it, so that makes me happy :). (See pictures at beginning of post. I was too lazy to move stuff around.)

13. Spend less time online and more time reading. This is a toss-up. I haven’t spent as much time online most days, simply because I’m at work. But by that same token, I also haven’t spent as much time pleasure reading as I would like. And so I don’t know how to grade myself on this. Maybe a C. Because I still turn on the computer and check email before I pick up my reading book…

Yep, so that’s it. Now you know :). And just for the sake of getting maybe 20 minutes of reading time in, I’m leaving it at that :).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

From Blog Stalker to Blog Slacker

Yep, that's me. A big ol' Blog Slacker! I really do have plenty of ideas floating in my head. But I really don't have any time! What should you anticipate? Well, I still have the blog post that is just for kicks in which I will list all my fortune cookie fortunes... (In fact, I just got another cool one this past weekend when Jeremy and I went out to eat Chinese ;)). And I seriously owe the blog my 8-month update on my annual goals... I'm already 2 weeks late on that, so what's a few more days, right ;)?

So what have I been up to? Well I'm glad you asked ;). Hahaha... I house-sat for Bob and Melanie last week. It's nice to have a place to myself. It's not so nice to return to regular life. I think it's time for me to move out. Ergo, I've begun the search for an apartment in my price range. I may have even found one that isn't ghetto. Actually it looks pretty nice from the pictures :). I will be inquiring more about it on Friday when I have time to do that sort of thing. Ultimately, I am confident that the right thing will come along when it's the right time. The more I live, the more I am learning that it is better to have things be right than to be right now. It's a bitter pill for someone like me who is rather lacking in patience on so many levels. But the more I live, the more I learn it. And it's true for all situations. And so that's kind of one of my new mottos to live by: I would rather it be right than right now. I'll keep you posted on it either way. And if it does work out, you'll probably hear my shout of joy all the way down there in Alabama, my Alabamian friends ;). And okay, so lest I paint a horrible picture of my living situation... It's not torturous. But it's been going on for 3 years now, and it's kind of been added upon with Brad and the kids here every other week. It's a small house for 4 adults, 3 kids, a dog, and a cat. And so, it's time for the Nilla to move on. Well, at least I think it is. I'm willing to be corrected by He who knows more than I do ;). But I'll put forth my efforts to move out. And like I said, if it's right, it'll happen.

Work stuff... Interesting. Perhaps I will fill you in later.

Jeremy stuff... Happy :). We went to Stake Conference Saturday night and Sunday. And let me just say that it gives me the warm fuzzies to be sitting at church with the man I love and his arm around me :). Oh happy sigh :). Lame, I know... But seriously I'm sitting over smiling like a big dork. But it really was nice (you can even ask him ;)). We attend different Wards, so we never get to go to church together. So this was the first time in 4 months (yep, it's been 4 months!) we've gone to church together, and I have to say it was a sweet experience :).

And technically, this is probably Jeremy stuff too, in a way... I'm definitely 'Bama Bound! No official dates yet. But that should change by tomorrow :). The plan is the week of Thanksgiving. I've already figured out what I'm hoping happens flight-wise. And oh yeah... Jeremy will be 'Bama Bound with me, by the way ;). *Notice we are going in November... It's really the only livable time to be in Alabama -- temperature-wise ;).* I told Jeremy I was going to drop him off in Alabama and he said, "But I thought you didn't like Alabama?" And I smiled and said, "I didn't say I was staying with you!" Hahaha... Actually, I don't mind Alabama. Especially the cool-awesome people there :). (You know who you are :)). But I do mind the yucky weather... Yep, it'll be an adventure. I'm totally taking him to the golden peanut (and the Elvis peanut). And Italian Express and O'Charleys. And I'll probably have to drag him to HLML. And one way or another, he gets to meet the Juliebean :). Okay, I need to stop now, because I'm getting far too excited :). But it's only 2 months away :).

And so now you're caught up on the facts. Like I said, I'll have some more "set in stone" info tomorrow. So keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that my flight plans work out! (I have to clear the time off at work... I will have only just gotten my 6 months in 2 days before I hope to fly out!)

(And, ahem, Stacy... Assuming this wouldn't be messing with your Thanksgiving plans... I'm totally planning to pencil in that thing we've been discussing... ;) Love you!)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Yep, I've been mostly silent. But that's partially because I've been house-sitting for Bob and Melanie and therefore do not have my laptop to whiz around on. Sure, there's always their computer (which I'm using now), but then I don't do the uploading of pictures, etc. Not that I have many more pictures than of my garden ;). Well, and not even of my garden, really, but of the things I picked from said garden. Got some more big zucchini. Finally made my fresh tomato salsa (yes! the tomatoes are finally ripening!!!) but it's not as good as I remember it being. Something is missing. I keep adding garlic salt and that's helping. Also, the jalapeno from the garden didn't get much heat (turns out Jeremy was right about that...) so it's missing a little kick also. Oh well. I have plenty more tomatoes growing and the weather is going to be hot and sunny through this week. And by hot, I mean high 80s, possibly into the low-90s. Kind of weird weather for this time of year here, but really... We've had a weird year weather-wise anyway. This is the hottest it's been all summer. And the blackberries are ripening nicely. I've already made a blackberry cobbler.

So what else have I been up to? Well, mostly the sameold. Working. House-sitting. Jeremy and I went blackberry picking on Saturday. I went to Seattle with Lea to watch Xavier's girlfriend do a dance performance and that was interesting. It lasted all of about 20 minutes, so Lea and I spent the remainder of the time walking around Seattle and roaming inside of Bed Bath and Beyond. I love that store, because I love the kitchen stuff :). I love love love kitchen stuff! They had the cutest set of mini individual trifle bowls. So stinkin' cute! Anyway, so that's what we did that day. And made new memories. Like using a bathroom where you had to go into a store and get the code to be able to open the bathroom door. And discovering that you're supposed to punch our the perforated part of the toilet seat covers... (Yes, both Lea and I discussed this and neither of us punch it out because it just disintegrates anyway... Turns out both Jeremy and Chuck laughed at us for this -- and ironically both asked, "Haven't you ever read the instructions?" Ummm no. Because it's pretty self-explanatory? :)). And remember: it's only fun when it's fun ;). And we definitely had fun while getting lost in the basement of the 5th Avenue Theater, etc. I've made several zucchini recipes. I'm trying to encourage my love of zucchini. I'm not such a fan, but if I grow it, I'm determined to like it! I mean, I have grown quite a fondness for tomatoes now since I grew them last year :). And I'm finding ways to enjoy zucchini. Just not in a zucchini smoothie. It probably wouldn't have been so bad if we had actually had vanilla extract. But I discovered that we were lacking it after I'd already started. And so my mom suggested substituting almond extract. Because she does that for baking brownies or making homemade hot cocoa. Yeah so I tried it... Against my own better judgement (but it really needed something more than just the orange juice and zucchini flavors). Ummm yeah. Orange juice and almond extract make an interesting combo. I will say I did drink the whole thing without gagging, so there is that... ;). Que mas? Jeremy and I went to the Never Ending Pasta Bowl at Olive Garden. It's about the only time I choose to go there anymore because they seem over-priced regularly. It was enjoyable and Jeremy got to experience it for the first time. On Labor Day I spent the day at Jeremy's brother's house. I hung out with his sister-in-law while he helped build a garage. So I learned how to play Yahtzee! And that was fun! I played it back in the day (like think younger than 6th grade), so I had forgotten the whole thing. I like playing games, though. I also helped skin and freeze peaches (and learned a technique for getting the skins of easily) and we made a couple batches of cookies. And then Jeremy's mom and dad went over for dinner and his mom informed me that she's checked my blog several times and I hadn't updated ;). So I'm partially updating this for her :).

Other tidbits: we had all the kiddos at church on Sunday and they did well. Emily didn't want to stay in nursery when I left, so she cried. Broke my heart, so I didn't make her stay. Later she went back in, though. All the kids started school today. Saria is in 4th grade, Samuel in 2nd, Desiree in 1st, and Benjamin in kindergarten. Talked to my dad, Julie, and Virginia this week. Checked out a couple pleasure-reading books from the library (oh, I finally finished The Host by Stephenie Meyer) and am reading for fun again -- when I have the time. (Funny... From January through April I finished 14 of my goal of 30. From April to August, I finished 1! I think something entered my life that was of a slightly higher priority ;)).

I'm sure there are other things. But for now, I can't remember them. And since it's only 9 and I have a house to myself and a book to read -- well, I'm off to enjoy a foray into the land of fiction :).