Yep, that's me. A big ol' Blog Slacker! I really do have plenty of ideas floating in my head. But I really don't have any time! What should you anticipate? Well, I still have the blog post that is just for kicks in which I will list all my fortune cookie fortunes... (In fact, I just got another cool one this past weekend when Jeremy and I went out to eat Chinese ;)). And I seriously owe the blog my 8-month update on my annual goals... I'm already 2 weeks late on that, so what's a few more days, right ;)?
So what have I been up to? Well I'm glad you asked ;). Hahaha... I house-sat for Bob and Melanie last week. It's nice to have a place to myself. It's not so nice to return to regular life. I think it's time for me to move out. Ergo, I've begun the search for an apartment in my price range. I may have even found one that isn't ghetto. Actually it looks pretty nice from the pictures :). I will be inquiring more about it on Friday when I have time to do that sort of thing. Ultimately, I am confident that the right thing will come along when it's the right time. The more I live, the more I am learning that it is better to have things be right than to be right now. It's a bitter pill for someone like me who is rather lacking in patience on so many levels. But the more I live, the more I learn it. And it's true for all situations. And so that's kind of one of my new mottos to live by: I would rather it be right than right now. I'll keep you posted on it either way. And if it does work out, you'll probably hear my shout of joy all the way down there in Alabama, my Alabamian friends ;). And okay, so lest I paint a horrible picture of my living situation... It's not torturous. But it's been going on for 3 years now, and it's kind of been added upon with Brad and the kids here every other week. It's a small house for 4 adults, 3 kids, a dog, and a cat. And so, it's time for the Nilla to move on. Well, at least I think it is. I'm willing to be corrected by He who knows more than I do ;). But I'll put forth my efforts to move out. And like I said, if it's right, it'll happen.
Work stuff... Interesting. Perhaps I will fill you in later.
Jeremy stuff... Happy :). We went to Stake Conference Saturday night and Sunday. And let me just say that it gives me the warm fuzzies to be sitting at church with the man I love and his arm around me :). Oh happy sigh :). Lame, I know... But seriously I'm sitting over smiling like a big dork. But it really was nice (you can even ask him ;)). We attend different Wards, so we never get to go to church together. So this was the first time in 4 months (yep, it's been 4 months!) we've gone to church together, and I have to say it was a sweet experience :).
And technically, this is probably Jeremy stuff too, in a way... I'm definitely 'Bama Bound! No official dates yet. But that should change by tomorrow :). The plan is the week of Thanksgiving. I've already figured out what I'm hoping happens flight-wise. And oh yeah... Jeremy will be 'Bama Bound with me, by the way ;). *Notice we are going in November... It's really the only livable time to be in Alabama -- temperature-wise ;).* I told Jeremy I was going to drop him off in Alabama and he said, "But I thought you didn't like Alabama?" And I smiled and said, "I didn't say I was staying with you!" Hahaha... Actually, I don't mind Alabama. Especially the cool-awesome people there :). (You know who you are :)). But I do mind the yucky weather... Yep, it'll be an adventure. I'm totally taking him to the golden peanut (and the Elvis peanut). And Italian Express and O'Charleys. And I'll probably have to drag him to HLML. And one way or another, he gets to meet the Juliebean :). Okay, I need to stop now, because I'm getting far too excited :). But it's only 2 months away :).
And so now you're caught up on the facts. Like I said, I'll have some more "set in stone" info tomorrow. So keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that my flight plans work out! (I have to clear the time off at work... I will have only just gotten my 6 months in 2 days before I hope to fly out!)
(And, ahem, Stacy... Assuming this wouldn't be messing with your Thanksgiving plans... I'm totally planning to pencil in that thing we've been discussing... ;) Love you!)
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
hoooray!!!!! :) you big dork. ;-)
l love your new motto.
and, darling dearest, i'm sending you an email. stat. ;)
Yay. Great post with great news. Thrilled that your able to come out and bringing J to boot. Awesome.
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