Friday, October 5, 2007

Talk About a Blast From the Past... Oh, and Quilts

So, I'm a TV-junkie. But seriously, this is about to stop, because when I move in with Stefanie, I will not have TV. I wouldn't have it now, if it wasn't free. But, when I moved into this apartment, it turned out we got free cable through the University. So the truth is, I probably watch WAY more TV than I should. But I promise that, in less than 2 weeks, I'll be watching almost none. Because I am too cheap to pay for TV. Sorry. Just not a necessity or a priority. But for now... It's free and I take full advantage of the free-ness of it :). So, yesterday, after work, I watched TV while I packed some more. While waiting for the new episodes of "CSI" and "Without a Trace," I flipped through to see what was on the other channels. I have a channel called "Ion" that plays a lot of old shows. When I first moved in, they were showing "Growing Pains," which is a show I love. They are now showing "Who's the Boss," which I can also stand to watch here and there. But last night, I saw that they were playing an episode of "Perfect Strangers." Man oh man... I haven't seen that show in a LOOOOOONG time. So I had to tune in to see what kind of antics Balky Bartokumus, the Mediterranean sheep herder, was up to. Last night, he was learning how to drive a car so he could get a driver's license, part of the "American Dream." Oh, so the show is definitely not intellectually stimulating in ANY way. But, it was a fun trip into the past. I totally remember watching episodes of this on SCN in Panama (our only English-language TV station for the first 13 years of my life).

Does anyone else out there remember pogo balls? For some reason, they never seem to make it on the lists of "you know you grew up in the 80s if..." My friend Cathleen had a pogo ball when I was a kid. It was great fun. I wonder how much excercise you can get on a pogo ball. As I sit here in front of my computer, I think that would be a fun way to get exercise :).

And lastly... I keep meaning to post pictures of some quilts I made about 2 years ago. I made one for each of my young nieces and nephew at the time. I haven't made one for Benjamin yet. Hopefully I'll get around to it one day. But mostly I keep mentioning the quilts to my cousin, because she just finished one, so I thought: "Why not share them with everyone?" So, anyway, these are called "I Spy Quilts." My friend and co-worker at Troy-Dothan took her little light-weight Singer up to work and we'd sew on our lunch breaks :). It was great. So, here they are:
Saria's Quilt:

Desiree's Quilt:

Samuel's Quilt:

And I'm sorry they are not "clickable" and able to be enlarged. I don't know why that is. However, I do have them where I can email them to people, if anyone is interested in seeing better detail. Just let me know.


juliebean said...

I watched perfect strangers the other night too. I was flipping through and I could not believe my eyes!!!! I cannot believe they play reruns of that show. It is so corny, but such a blast from the past it made me smile. My husband found an episode of The Wonder Years last night. Those were the days!

Katherine Ronachert said...

ok, so your quilt makes mine look so amature (sp?). Awesome!