At Conference last weekend, President Eyring counseled us to, at the end of each day, think back upon the day and ask ourselves two questions: have I seen the hand of the Lord in my life today? and has the Lord sent a message meant for me today? He also suggested that we write the answers to these questions down in a journal, but even if we don't, to try to find some way to remember them. Because as we do, we will see the hand of the Lord in our lives more clearly and more easily as the days continue.
What he said really struck me. What also struck me was his statement that oftentimes it is those who have been the most abundantly blessed who have the hardest time remembering the Lord. Although I have definitely seen, in the past year, the hand of the Lord in my life, it has always been the big things. Like the way things lined up for me to move here and get my Master's degree at such a low cost to me; like the way this apartment situation fell into place with hardly any effort. But I often overlook the small things. I don't know who said it, but I know I've heard it... That often, the Lord blesses us through other people. And sometimes those are the things we don't realize are really the Lord's blessings.
So, for the past two days I have really pondered these questions before bed. And I have been surprised at the answers. Sometimes it's easy for us to think, "Oh, that's just coincidence," or even to think nothing of something, when really it is a blessing from our loving Heavenly Father. My two examples come from this whole moving experience. Originally, I thought someone was going to be able to help who had a truck. However, it turned out that he plays on a University sports team, and they have a game on Saturday. So I was without a truck and didn't know what to do. It felt like "just one more thing" added to my plate that I couldn't handle. But I contacted another church friend to ask her if she knew anyone who might have a truck I could borrow (after looking into UHaul and Budget Trucks). She immediately began the search (not just giving me names, but actually calling around herself), and she was successful. She did not have to step in and help in the way she did. But she did so, without even being asked. And the sweet older couple (who are having very hard times themselves... the husband is having chemo again, and I know they worry that saying goodbye to their son last month when he left for his mission to New York might have been the last time the father will see his son in this life)... the sweet older couple don't really know me (this is a huge Ward), but they are willing to lend their truck and just trust that it will be taken care of and returned. These are blessings from the Lord. He has just used people to provide those blessings to me.
I am ashamed to admit that, in the moment, it's always easy for me to lose faith and give up. But I am amazed at the evidence I have seen in my life that Heavenly Father knows me, He literally knows my name, and He loves me. I have also learned, due to many experiences with it, that when Heavenly Father leads you down a path, He will not drop you halfway and walk away. He will provide the way for you to get through the whole thing. Sometimes we have to be patient (which I am bad at doing) and sometimes we have to make some effort; but He will always provide a way, always. How awesome is that? Can there be a better knowledge than those things?
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
1 comment:
you are pretty amazing and such an example!
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