You wouldn't believe how interesting my search was for the song that goes along with this post :). It hails all the way from the 1980s (only the greatest decade EVER) and Sesame Street. So here it is. Turns out this is another song I've been singing the lyrics wrong to for a very long time (I'm going to blame my mom, since she's the one who used to go around singing this song ;)). I would sing "why does it have to rain anyway?" The real words are "why do we need the rain anyway?" So, there you go. They say you learn something new every day. I guess that was my new info for the day. Does that mean I get to go home and crawl back into bed and enjoy this lovely rainy day curled up under the covers? Yeah, only if I don't want to get paid. Okay, I guess I have to stay here. Hmmm... I think I'm going to alter those lyrics even more... "Why do I need a job anyway?" Hahahaha!!! I crack myself up :). The other thing that popped up in my search on youtube was this Sesame Street thing. Now that is interesting. And only slightly annoying. Could the Twiddlebugs enunciate any clearer??? Some of them sound like the Chipmunks or some other cartoon I watched as a kid.
So in class last night we had to go around and demonstrate that we knew how to use various media technology items (such as a digital camera, a cassette player, a scanner). So we got to play with an iPhone. So it's pretty much a cool little thing, but I have to say it's a little frightening (in fact, it's a lot more frightening than it is cool) that, when you press the "maps" icon, it brings up a map that shows you where you are. Can anyone else say "Big Brother?" Yikes. (Oh, and there's wikepedia again...). So I do realize my phone is a tracking device just as much as the iPhone is, but to have it so blatantly staring you in the face is rather disconcerting if you ask me. Anyway, if you haven't read the book, you should. I should read it again, since it's been since 1999 since I read it. Fiction? I think not... (And I'm not a conspiracy person either... But I'm telling you, it's a frightening little read if you live in today's society). Anyway, back to school. So Andrea and I are slightly technologically challenged. We have no problem loading a DVD (thank goodness!) and we can figure out how to play a cassette player with two decks (and this one had A deck ontop of B deck... Weird little boombox). But, we couldn't for the life of us figure out how to turn on the video camera. Genius me, I kept pressing the button with the red dot in the middle. And nothing would happen! So we had to get the professor to show us. How sad is that? It's even sadder when the realization finally comes that probably the red dot was indicative of "record." Good grief! Where have I been for the last 20 or so years? Doesn't the red dot ALWAYS mean record? Green means on! And lucky for us there was a little green thing sticking out of the silver thing that looked like a thumb groove. Unlucky for us is that that didn't really mean much to us until after Dr. Nelson showed us how to turn it on... Yep, genius. Absolute genius :).
And so Elka called me last night. She really cracks me up. And "that's about all I have to say about that", if I may take a moment to quote Forrest Gump.
And you know, even though I've said this many times, I really do have the strangest dreams. A few nights ago I dreamed that I was somewhere with a group of people (seems most of them were my immediate family, including Brad and my mom) and Sandra Bullock was brought to join the group. She was wearing a turquoise shirt and she was acting rather crabby, so I knew she wasn't going to be willing to take a picture with me... Also in that dream we were at the Bocarron (a river we used to frequent in Panama -- sucky Judge Reinhold --Tarylyn, that's for Brad, so mention it to him ;)) and we were making our way down the river. At one point I think my dad and I were just floating along and I suddenly saw we were about to hit some rocks, so I told my dad to stop. Well, next thing I know we're in some weird like sitting room (complete with chairs) that was reminiscent of a men's "smoking room" or whatever, right in the middle of the river! During Spring Break, I dreamed about 2 tornadoes. I was in charge of all these little kids, and when the first tornado came, we were at this like retreat or something. I had been told (I don't know by whom) that the tornado would not destroy this particular table, so I needed to get all the children under that table. Then the second tornado that hit was in a big city. Again I was in charge of all these little kids, and then Ben (my older brother) was there and he was helping me get the kids into this big empty room. But then I remembered that it is best to put as many walls between you and the outside as possible, so I told Ben, "No, we need to get them all in that closet over there." There was a big empty closet in the room. Anyway, I remember in that dream the tornado was literally right outside of the window. It had touched down on the ac unit outside and there were lightning sparks going between the ac unit and the tornado. It was weird. (It was even weirder that I dreamed this on Friday night, March 14, and then woke up the next morning and went in to say good morning to Meemaw and she was watching the news and the story was about the tornado that had gone through downtown Atlanta). Over Spring Break I also dreamed I was trying to get a passport at the post office. It was costing me some exhorbitant amount of money, and it was only going to be good for 3 days to 1 week. And I remember thinking in the dream, "That's fine. I just need the passport long enough to get me to Panama and I can go apply for my citizenship there." Anyway, I know I've had several more weirdo dreams. I know I had one last night, but I can't remember it at this moment. I dream a lot; I always have. I think my subconscious is rather strange :). And now you have a peek into the Nilla psyche. Scary, huh :)?
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
but we can still be friends.
Oh good... That was my biggest fear... that you'd stop being my friend ;).
As a media specialist, you should appreciate this.
Is that for real? Because at $30 that's a steal! Although it doesn't benefit me now that I have finished transferring all the family BETAMAX videos to DVD the hard way...
Oh, and I'm not a media specialist... I'm just taking that class for an elective since it's easy :).
It is an April fools joke. HD-DVD players will no longer be manufactured, so effectively the device transfers from one media that has very limited support to another that has limited support.
Okay, so I'm a little dense... Yeah, I heard that Blu-Ray had won that war. I was erring on the side of hopefulness, since it would have been nice and convenient :).
I couldn't find the spot on your blog that tells about your name. I rode the short bus in school. Aunt H.
Aunt Hila -- scroll all the way down to the bottom of my blog. That's where the name thing is :). Loveya! Oh, and I'm pretty sure you'd get the same thing if you typed your name in ;).
what is that poll on the right side. It only says which is correct. Are you asking about the night meal or the noon meal? Did I miss this in a blog? Anyway, I will vote if I know what I am voting on. :)
dear juliebean,
the correct answer is dinner if you want a meal, supper if you want a snack.
ps don't listen to the others, they are oblivious. :)
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