Two Names You Go By: Hila, Nilla
Things You Are Wearing Right Now: black tank top and an orange-long sleeve pull-over type thing over that
Two Things You Want (or have) in a Relationship: honesty, love
Two of Your Favorite Things to Do: laugh, be with the people I love
Two Things You Did Last Night: went to the library at 8:15 p.m. (after realizing my book was due) and wrote one of my book-talks
Two People You Talked to Last Night: April (phone), Stefanie
Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow: Friday Forum, work
Two Longest Car Rides: Dothan,AL to Citrus Springs, FL; Ashford, AL to Seymore AFB, NC
Two Favorite Holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving
Two Favorite Drinks: Water, Mountain Dew
Two Things About Me You May Not Have Known: I have a birthmark on the back of my neck and I won a trophy in Math Olympiads in 6th grade
Two Jobs I Have Had in My Life: Ashford Branch Librarian; children's room circulation clerk
Two Movies I Would Watch Over and Over: Excess Baggage and Napoleon Dynamite
Two of My Favorite Foods: too many to name
Two Places I'd Rather Be Right Now: in bed! or in WA with my nieces and nephews (and everyone else up there)
Okay, so now that I have done that... Can you tell I don't have much to say? That's because my life hasn't been all that interesting this week. I've been mostly working on school stuff. I did succeed in writing 1 of my 5 book talks last night, so I think that was good. I'm hoping it sounds okay. I read it to Stefanie. She said it sounded good. I also tweaked my resume! Woohoo! And thanks to Stefanie, I have resume paper on which to print it. Here's the thing: I have 2 boxes of resume paper of my own. 2. I looked in 3 boxes last night that I thought they might be in. 3. I was unsuccessful. Which is annoying. And since I want to get this application and everything in the mail tomorrow, I needed to be able to print the resume and cover letter today. So thank you Stefanie for being my life-saver on this issue!!! I still have to write the cover letter.
April and I have planned our next great adventure. We are doing another girlie night in honor of her upcoming birthday. What does April want more than anything for her birthday? Well, to be mooned by iron buns. Luckily for her, Birmingham can deliver! So, we're going to go get mooned by Vulcan. And yes, you can expect pictures ;). But not for a couple more weeks.
Well, aside from my dream that U-Haul charged me about $2000 to rent their largest truck (even though I told the lady I didn't want the largest truck, but she'd already rung it up and said she couldn't change it) and a trailer to move everything... I have nothing else to report ;).
Oh yeah, OOPS! In case you didn't see the comments yesterday, check this out:
I do believe we have some upcoming excitement for all of us women who were girls in the 80s and early 90s :). Woohoo! They'd better go to Seattle...
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
You've been tagged! see my blog for details. =]
you've been tagged by me too (same thing as kira's)! see my blog...
Hahaha. Isn't my sis awesome? She's such a nerd. (That's an inside joke that she's okay with cuz I'm the only one that's aloud to call her a nerd.) You guys would have a blast playing 80's trivial pursuit. Thanks for the flight info. I'll try it, cuz I've only tried Atl and Birm but not Montgomery. The Ogden was my house until I got married. Then my Dad took over cuz it would be to much of a hassle from Alabama. We kept it in the family cuz we rented out to LDS students attending Weber State.
That's crazy that the Uhaul place charged you so much especially when you were specific on what you didn't want. Geez. Keep up the good work on your book-talks. I'm glad things are going well for ya except for the lame Uhaul people.
Don't worry Becky. The U-Haul thing was just a dream ;). Let's just hope that's not how it really turns out!
oh hahahaha. That's what I get for reading past my bed time. (I'm trying to start going to bed at a decent hour so I can get up early enough to make breakfast for B) Phew. Thank goodness. I thought that was a bit extreme but I don't know how much they charge these days.
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