Friday, April 25, 2008


Okay, so I'm still reading this book. I love it. I would be done already, except that I somehow feel the need to do my class assignments, although that is much less entertaining. But I was just reading on break and came across a hilarious statement. I think I will share. But first, let me give you the run-down of the book.

So, Jerusha is an orphan and one of the trustees of the orphanage has decided to pay for her to go to college. His stipulation is that she not know his name or who he is, but she has to write him letters at least once a month and tell him about college life, even though he won't read them. Only, of course, you find out soon enough that he does, in fact, read them. So, because she saw his back on the day she was informed of this beneficent offer, and she knows he is very tall, she has endearingly labled him "Daddy-Long-Legs" because she felt John Smith (the name she was told to use for him) was too generic and ridiculous and bland (kind of like vanilla). So, anyway, she mentions to him in the letters the exciting things that happen, including invitations for summer vacations with her friends. Well, when he decides he doesn't want her to do whatever it was she was excited about, he has his secretary tell her to decline the invitation or offer, etc. She usually complies, because she recognizes that he is basically her guardian. Well, so she gets a scholarship for tuition for her 3rd year in college. She informs him that she won't have to rely on him anymore, except for the $35 monthly allowance he sends. His secretary brings her word that he wants her to turn down the scholarship. She responds that she really wants to take the scholarship, and tries to get him to understand. He sends word again that he wants her to turn down the scholarship. And this is what she replies (and this really made me laugh):

"And besides, this isn't a favor; it's like a prize -- I earned it by hard work. If nobody had been good enough in English, the committee wouldn't have awarded the scholarship; some years they don't. Also -- but what's the use of arguing with a man? You belong, Mr. Smith, to a sex devoid of a sense of logic. To bring a man into line there are just two methods: one must either coax or be disagreeable. I scorn to coax men for what I wish. Therefore, I must be disagreeable."

Is that not hilarious? I'm telling you, I like this character. She's smart and witty.

Also, so I had this dream last night that my wallet was stolen out of my purse (right from under my nose, practically) while I was on a ferry by crazy Bobby from HLML. How crazy is that???

*Oh, and Stacy knows the movie quote too!*


Mrs. S said...

That's really funny. I really like how she called him Daddy Long legs!

Stefanie Nicole Barker said...

um...i think you're having a complex about stuff being taken out of your purse. first your cell phone, now your wallet. is this a sign? :)