So I just got back from class and Annie surprised me with one of the ultimate Nilla-surprises... mac and cheese! Woohoo! So, if you are keeping score, awesome Nilla surprises include:
1. fruity pebbles
2. mint chocolate anything
3. macaroni and cheese
Isn't it interesting that they are all food?
So, I heart books. So I totally agree with my quote for the day. Currently I am reading Daddy Long Legs. I am halfway through it. I am enjoying it immensely. I like the main character's wit and her personality. The character, Jerusha, likes to read also. She talks about how she becomes the character in the book until she is finished with the book. How true! A good book sucks you in and you become that character. Those things are happening to you! I love books. I love to read. It's a good thing I'm a librarian :).
Except for the fact that I have to be in that crazy class. Ugh. One more time, one more time. That's my mantra. Our group worked together so well, which was a blessing. We are pretty much done, but I have to write up an abstract. Still haven't gotten anywhere on that lit review. And believe me, I have tried. Ugh. I just want to pass this class!
Oh, and I am going this afternoon to the courthouse to start the passport process. I seriously need to scan that passport picture from 1993. I showed Stefanie last night, and she said, "You look like a model!" I was like, "What?!?" She said, "Well, maybe I've been looking at too much Vogue." That made me laugh even harder. I guess in Vogue, the way the models look is that they have the expression that says, "This is so uncomfortable. Please hurry and take this picture." Hey Tarylyn, ask Brad if he thinks I have reached the age of reason yet :). (Renewing our passports in 1993 is when we were told that we had not yet reached the age of reason -- which is 16, by the way).
*No Drama Mama and Elka have guessed the movie quote correctly!*
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
Where do I know that name Jerusha from? That name rings a bell....
I've mentioned it before since I visit-teach a sister named Jerusha. But it's an old-timey like name. It almost seems like it would be Biblical to me.
i too have a strong love affair with a good book. i'm just sad that i've been so busy reading other things!
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