Okay, so after leaving the library when I did my Saturday post, I saw this and thought it was beautiful. And since I had my camera with me, I took a picture to share :). I must admit it was much more beautiful in real-life. The camera just does not do the actual colors justice. But, as this is the best I could get, this is what I have. Still very pretty, but again, lacking in some of the beauty I saw.
Yeah, and I'm going to toot my own horn here for a second and say that I do actually rock :). I totally just modified that code to make that picture centered. I'm loading these pictures through Picasa, which is not how I normally do it when I'm at work. But since I don't have Firefox here and I want to make sure you can enlarge the photos, I decided to go through Picasa. Well, when I moved my picture to where I wanted it, it went and was "left aligned" even though I pulled it into blogger to be centered. Okay, I know that makes no sense to most of you. But I'm pretty proud that I just modified the code to be what I wanted :). Woohoo! I think I like doing these blogs without the help of Picasa. But IE doesn't make the pictures clickable for some inexplicable reason. So... Anyway... Correction: the whole picasa thing didn't even load my pictures once I finally found my blog post. Arg. So, I had to do it the other way, and so, chances are, these pics aren't clickable. Sorry!
Well, after the snow and all that on Saturday, it got very cold here. So it was cold when I went to the campus to blog. So, I decided to utilize my bubble bath when I got home. I decided to be (or at least TRY to be) fru-fru. Aren't you proud, Julie and Jeni?? And just to prove it, I took a picture!
So, I got a bubble bath going, made up some Caramel hot chocolate (Land o' Lakes brand), got a couple of the Andes mints Jeni gave me, and got my book. Then I proceeded to take about a 20 minute bubble bath.
After doing this, I watched the movie I bought myself on Friday at Wal-Mart from the $5 bin (because that is usually the only way I'll actually buy a movie...). Well, this will probably seem like blasphemy to some of you. And really, I know I should like this movie, because it was so huge in the 80s. But I do not like The Neverending Story. I'm sorry. I bought it in the hopes that maybe my memories of it were just skewed (I never really liked it). See, I was always horrified by the scene in which the horse dies in the Swamps of Depression. So I figured that I might feel differently while watching it as an adult. Yeah, not so much. That part wasn't nearly as horrific as I remember it being, but even so.... The movie was awful. I just wasted $5. I could have bought Hope Floats instead! The movie was just so silly! At least, to me. So, I'm still totally not a fan of The Neverending Story. I do, however, like the song (and it is on my playlist). Oh, and this is not the movie from which I got this week's quote. Just so you know ;).
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
8 years ago
i could have told you that! i don't see animal movies on principle. one of them always dies. ask my mom about the project x movie she tortured stef and i with.
on an upnote, love, hope floats, mostly harry connick jr. (i'm sure i spelt his name wrong, but i'll leave you to google it.)
Are you kidding?! I LOVE The Neverending Story. The dog I had in Jr. High & HS, I even named Falcor. It was loved by all in our home. Royal even did a recent college graphic arts project using scenes from the movie to the Evanescence song "Bring Me to Life." (very cool!!) I'll have to find a copy and show it to you one day. You would then at least appreciate the 80s aspect of it. Anyway, the only copy is still at Mom's house. We can't take it, but watch it there instead. =]
men at work :D good work finding one that couldn't be googled.
Stefanie H. hates the Neverending Story and Project X, about the chimps. I thought it would be a good movie. We ended up staying in the lobby for most of the movie. True, Elka will not watch animal movies, and now I'm getting that way....even about Animal Planet.
Is "spelt" correct? I would have written "spelled". Hmmm. I know that "Stef and I..." is NOT correct. LOL. Love, The Silverback
Well, with 2 mentions of "Project X" (a movie with which I am not familiar), I guess I will have to look it up... I do, however, know who Harry Connick Jr. is :). Spelt vs. spelled? According to dictionary.com, both are correct! Kinda like "he smelt really bad" Haha.. Okay, threw that in for humor :).
oh so funny!!! i've been in jersey too long. if i start saying you's, please hit me over the head with a large board!
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