Monday, June 16, 2008

Weekend Update

I thought up that title last week... I thought it was hilarious. If you want to see where it comes from, you can click here :).

I want to say that I had lots of excellent guesses on last week's movie quote. Apparently Bill & Ted are like Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World. And I can totally see the similarities. Never made the connection before... But I had two peope guess Wayne's World, and I can see why. It totally fits ;). But, it was Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Which, by the way, is quite a different experience to watch as an adult. And, for some reason... I had a dream about that movie because I know I saw their band (which is Wyld Stallions) spelled like this in my dream: Wyld Stallyons. I'm weird, I know.

So, in keeping with the tradition she set last weekend, my weekend teacher brought a lovely spread of food. Such a spread that nobody even left for lunch on Saturday. We all sat around eating and talking. The class is going by fast. We don't have any lecture... We all just meet in the classroom and start working in teams on our project. So the time doesn't lull. Which is wonderful! On Saturday, after class, I went to a wedding. Debbie's (one of the sisters Jeni and I visit-teach) daughter Jodi got married. It was a beautiful wedding and the reception was fabulous. I took a picture of my food for Jeni, since she couldn't be there. Which, Jeni even asked me at church yesterday how the food was at the reception. I told her I took a picture just for her :). So, here is a picture of the food:
Oh the Food
On the small plate in the back there is a grilled chicken tender and 2 fried chicken tenders. Then there's punch that was good. It kind of reminded me of a sweettart. They also had roast beef (which I have a small piece on the big plate) and shrimp (which I didn't touch, because I don't like seafood very much). Also on the big plate are: chips and cheese dip, raw veggies with ranch, fresh fruit, crackers with spinach artichoke dip, crackers with pineapple cheese dip, chocolate-covered strawberries (I chocolated them myself with the fountain), wedding cookies (the small white balls), and Debbie's fabulous pecan mini muffins. Oh yeah, and a roll. I didn't have room for either of the cakes. Which, sitting here now, I'm slightly saddened by. But, it was sooo gooood. And the whole thing was beautiful. Greg and Debbie are really great people.
Greg, Debbie, and me

Those are pretty much the highlights of the weekend. I want you to know what I discovered, though... Oh yeah, squeaky bed neighbors moved out 2 weeks ago. Yay! I'm thinking they must have trashed the place, because whenever I'm home during the day in the work week, I hear people working up there like crazy (I think they had to lay new carpet). Anyway... So, no more squeaky springs. But, this is what I have now... and it started right around the time the squeaky people left... There is some kind of bug that lives in the bushes/trees right outside my apartment. And, the noise it makes essentially sounds the same as squeaky springs. And, unlike squeaky springs people, the insect seems tireless. It starts making the noise around 10 p.m. And all I know is that it was still going strong by 1 this morning. However, also unlike the squeaky springs people... putting the pillow over my head seems to drown that sound out.


Kira =] said...

Indiana Jones =]

Jeni said...

Man that food looked good! I hate I missed the wedding, but glad you were there to represent us. :)

Heather said...

Sounds like a cricket. If I see one in my house, I will hunt it down and kill it. I guess they are pretty harmless, but the noise they make will drive you bonkers.

Heather said...

Is the movie quote from National Treasure?

Nilla said...

Well, that is the loudest cricket I've ever heard. How annoying!

Also, nope... Your movie guess was close, but not it ;). Although I heard a comparison to the movie you guessed and the movie my quote is from...

Katherine Ronachert said...

those chocolate covered strawberries look amazing!
oh, and did you notice that we commented on mrs. s's friend at the same time???
weirdos strike again!
ps i also like allrecipes!

Nilla said...

Hahaha... No, I didn't notice that we commented at the same time. I'm about to go check it out though :).

wilkinson family said...

ok this one i had to google. i thought it was sahara, but now raiders of the lost ark. which i should know since it keeps playing on tv all the time lately.