Friday, September 28, 2007

Blue Moon

So, for the past two mornings, I have left my house at 6:45 to walk to work. And as I head toward work, I see this beautiful round globe in the sky. Yesterday I thought, "Well, it must be cloudy, because the sun isn't scorching my eyes as I look straight at it." Then it occurred to me: I was not looking at the sun, I was looking at the moon. This morning too (only I knew better than to even think it was the sun at any point). So, literally, if the sun ain't shining... What am I doing out of bed!! Not only is the sun NOT shining, the MOON still is! Oh well... I guess that's "welcome to the adult world." I can remember a time when I thought being a grown-up would be so liberating. Of course, I thought about things like rent and food. But you know, it never crossed my mind that you have to worry about electricity and pay for water (what?!?) and health insurance!! I vote for a return to childhood :). Nah, I'm kidding. Sometimes it sounds good, (like looking forward to summer vacations and NO BILLS!). But I know I have gained so much experience and learned so much throughout my life. And there's so much more to experience and to learn. But when I see the moon in the sky in the morning, I definitely have those feelings of wishing I was 4 or 5 and could still be in bed. However, the irony is that a lot of 4 and 5 year-olds wake up early naturally. I've always wondered about the irony of that. Like, kids HATE to take naps. But then, fast-forward 10 years (and every year after that :)) and we WISH we could!! Okay, so I wish I could :). Funny how time changes a perspective :). Okay, so these were random musings. Nothing too exciting. Hope everyone has a good Friday and a good weekend.

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