Tuesday, September 11, 2007

S'Mores Anyone?

Okay, as per a request from Julie... This story is supposed to tell you all you need to know about my personality. One night (in 1999), Julie and I decided to have a girls' night at her parents' house and so we baked a cake -- more on that later -- and made s'mores. Although the above picture is NOT from that night (although it is a picture I took about a year and a half ago on another s'mores-making occasion with Julie and Alysha), I felt it was a good example of what I am about to share. Now, if those s'mores above were mine and Julie's, mine would be the s'mores on the left and Julie's would be the ones on the right (and that may have been the case, but I don't remember). How do I know this? Because the ones on the left are VANILLA... Notice how, on the s'mores on the right, the chocolate is broken in pieces and displayed "artfully" upon the graham cracker. That would be JULIEBEAN. See, that night in 1999, Julie sat there making art out of her s'mores by breaking the chocolate into small pieces and "decorating" the graham cracker, and then breaking the marshmallow into pices and doing likewise. I'm a functional kinda gal, so I was just slapping the chocolate down in the 3-piece way it breaks off the candy bar and slapping the whole marshmallow on top of that. But watching Julie, I thought maybe I should be creative too. So, I broke my chocolate into halves and broke my marshmallow in half and started arranging my own s'mores. I was playing around with the placement of my sweets and moving them until they "looked right." The point at which they "looked right" was when they were back together the way they were originally (albeit now they were technically broken). Little did I realize that Julie had been watching me the entire time. She laughed and laughed and laughed that my one attempt to go "wild" and change the face of the s'more forever ended up right where I had started: plain. And functional, I might add. You know the saying: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Who needs a decorative s'more? The goal should be to slap it down fast, cook it fast, and eat it even faster :). Without regards to looks :).

And then the cake... (we must have been sick on sugar that night). This picture is Juliebean and Nilla's one foray into cake decorating. I'm betting it tasted better than it looked (I just don't remember). Great memory, though :).

1 comment:

juliebean said...

The smores story is one for the history books. Never let it be said that Nilla did not try to break the Vanilla mold, but to no avail....