Okay, so let's see where I can start. I'll start with yesterday afternoon. So, trying to meet my "Strive For Five" goals of 5 fruits/veggies each day, I was sitting at my desk eating canned peaches. Okay, I know fresh is always better. But I don't have any more fresh fruits at home, so I bought some canned fruits to supplement. I would love to have the moolah necessary to go out and buy more fresh fruits. However, I live within a very strict budget, so I do not go to the grocery store very often. So, canned fruit it is... So I'm sitting here with a book in my lap for which I'm creating a bibliographic record. My desk is L-shaped, and my peaches are sitting on the "long part" of the L (the vertical line) and I'm facing the "short" leg of the L (the horizontal line). So, I don't want to pick up the bowl of peaches, because I don't want to drip any syrup on the book. So I twist my body and pick up the spoon and manage to get a peach onto the spoon. I'm slowly bringing it to my mouth, thinking, "Okay peach, don't fall, don't fall..." Not that the peach listened. Splat. Right on the floor. And just about that time, the telephone guy came into my cube to finish fixing my phone. Yay. So, I sheepishly make some comment about eating peaches and dropping one on the floor, and I have to pick the peach up with my bare hands (sticky) because he has to get onto the floor to get under the desk to get whatever gadget he'd left plugged into the phone socket. Great stuff. Moral of this story: put the book down and out of the way and pick up the bowl of peaches to eat them.
Brad called me on his way home from work to tell me that I "have not yet reached the age of reason." Then he laughed. Okay, story: back in 1993, Brad and I had to get our passports renewed. Strange to think of, now that I haven't had a current passport in almost 10 years. But while we lived overseas, we had to keep them current. Well, Brad and I had to go down to the U.S. Embassy in Panama City to get this done. I was 12 and Brad was 11. So the guy calls both of us over, and then one at a time, informs us (in his most solemn voice, I might add) that we have not yet reached the age of reason. He actually told us each that individually, but he told me first and Brad was standing right there. Brad, being younger than I am, obviously hadn't reached the coveted "age of reason" if I hadn't, but for whatever reason, he felt the need to break Brad's heart as well and tell him that he, too, had "not yet reached the age of reason." Basically, all that meant was that my mom had to sign our names on the passports, we couldn't. Whatever. I can tell you, we were totally crushed. We laughed the whole way home because "we had not yet reached the age of reason." Who says that? Just say, "Hey kids... You're not old enough to sign your own passports, so your mom's going to have to do it for you." But then, we wouldn't have that story to make us laugh 14 years later if he did it that way...
Twinkies... Okay, did you know that they once made Strawberry Twinkies? They did. Years ago. Obviously they went over like a lead balloon, but that is beside the point. Well, back when Brad was around 8 or 9, he had some friends spend the night for his birthday. My mom had bought both types of twinkies (original and strawberry). Well, this was indeed a treat, because my dad didn't like that kind of junk food. So, you never found potato chips or twinkies or any other bad-for-you (but oh SO GOOD) food in our pantry. At least, not the ones packed full of preservatives. They say the only food that could survive a nuclear explosion are twinkies. So, the preservative thing is probably true 100-fold for twinkies. Anyway, so my mom had bought these for this rare and special occasion. So we were totally psyched (how's that for an 80s word?). We decided to save the strawberry ones for very late at night (because, at spend-the-night parties, we HAVE to stay up late). Well, it got to the time when it was "late enough" to eat the twinkies. One of the party guests (Kristian) had fallen asleep. But we knew he was just as excited about the twinkies as we were, so we just knew he wouldn't want to miss it. So we woke him up and asked him if he was ready to eat his twinkie. He cried. I don't know why, but he cried. So, I had remembered that story last Wednesday night, because my group took twinkies for our class presentation (another long story that I will spare you). I just kept forgetting to tell the story to Brad. But when I finally remembered it last night, I called him and told him. Yep, he'd forgotten, and so it gave him a good laugh. Brad's response is always the same when I remind him of something like this. He says, "Oh yeah.." And then I can hear his "Brad-laugh" immediately.
Twinkie side-note: did you know that in the South, you can fry anything? They even fry twinkies here. I've never had one, but people say they are delicious.
Oh yeah, and my team weighed in today. We lost 9 pounds as a team (I lost 2 of them, so at least there's that) and so now we are actually .4 pounds lighter than we were when we first weighed 2 weeks ago. Hopefully this will continue... Especially me losing weight.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
8 years ago
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