Yep, you 80s folks know that this is totally a song-title post :). So, here it is!
I'll get to it... But first...
So, the rest of work yesterday was essentially uneventful. I got to leave at 3:30 for the day, so I headed home to pick up my library books, which were due. Of the 3 I had, I only got around to reading one. Yes, I only JUST finished Crisis by Robin Cook on Tuesday night. Yikes! Actually, I don't think it was me so much as it was the book. It just wasn't my writing-style. Robin Cook is incredibly wordy. He describes every minute detail. It occurs to me that I probably do the same thing to all of you. Hmmm.... I guess I can dish it out, but I can't take it :). Turns out that rule can apply to lots of things! But I started on the new Tess Gerritsen book last night, and I am already almost 70 pages into it, and I would've kept reading, except that I knew I needed to go to bed. I love Tess Gerritsen's books. They always suck me right in.
I also decided to make a new recipe last night. They are called Pizza Meatloaf Cups or something like that. You cook them in muffin tins. Eh. I wasn't all that impressed. So I didn't take a picture. Stefanie liked them, but I thought they were rather bland. They're edible, just nothing stellar. I guess it's good to know. I'll just know not to make them again. I have this cookbook through which I went and marked all the recipes I wanted to try. So, I'm making an effort to try some of them. So, now I've tried the sunset cooler (from the pink party) and these pizza meatloaf cups. I have gotten some very awesome recipes from this cookbook in the past, and I'm sure there are some other great ones for me to discover some day. I just need to get cooking! So, while I was finishing up the preparations on dinner, Stefanie was working on some whole wheat bread (she likes to bake bread a lot). I'm cutting up an orange to go with the dinner (in my attempt to not just have meatloaf cups...) and there's a knock on our door. I look at Stefanie, who's looking at me, and I say, "Are you expecting anyone?" She says, "No." So I start walking to the door to look out the peep-hole, and Stefanie says, "Maybe it's hot shirtless guy." I laughed. Then I looked out the peep-hole and said, "You know what, you might be right." And it was shirtless guy (with a shirt on). I told her to answer the door, since I was in my pajamas. He wanted to know if we had a garlic press, which we do not. Anyway, it was just funny that Stefanie said that, and then it was him. Then, after dinner, I went to my room and started reading.
Elka called me last night, so that was cool :). It's nice to get an unexpected phone call! So she and I gabbed for about half an hour, and then Pace called to say that the eclipse was happening. So, Stefanie and I went outside to watch it. I took my camera out, but I didn't get anything good, sadly. It was very cloudy here. We waited until the moon was totally eclipsed, and then we gave up and went inside, because the clouds just got worse. So, this experience brings me to a memory lane story. Not a funny one, but a story nonetheless :).
I watched the last lunar eclipse of the 20th century about 10 years ago when I lived in Panama. I can remember sitting out on our carport. That's about all I remember though. It's entirely possible (and highly probable) that I have it written in one of my journals, since I was much better at journaling way back then. (I need to get better at it now). Also, I got to "witness" a solar eclipse about 10 years ago as well, while I lived in Panama. I don't remember the date of it (it's possibly in my yearbook, since they did a whole page spread of it), but I remember it was during my Junior year, which was precisely 10 years ago. I was sitting in Ms. Brannick's U.S. History class, and it was right after lunch. Of course, with solar eclipses, you don't want to be looking at them with your bare eye, since they say it can burn your retina. Anyway, we didn't go outside for it. But I remember it getting darker outside. It was a clear, beautiful day, so the difference was noticeable. It looked like it was evening-time when the eclipse took place. Emily and I were actually talking about this when I was in Atlanta. She remembered sitting in Mr. Brown's Analysis class, and she was thinking, at first, that it was 10th grade and that I was in there with her. But I was in Algebra II with her in 10th grade, and that was 1st period (I'm such a memory nerd :)). In 11th grade, I had Mrs. Peterson for Analysis. So anyway, I just remember that I was in Ms. Brannick's class at the time of the eclipse. "Next." (To quote Mrs. Brannick.... it's so much funnier to hear how she'd say it.)
And oh yeah, I seriously didn't want to get up this morning. And when I finally did, it did not help to find out it was raining outside and perfect weather for snuggling up and reading... I really wouldn't mind being asleep right now :).
*And Julie guessed the movie quote correctly!*
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
That is funny about the shirtless guy... sounds to me like he just wants a reason to stop by :)... better watch out! I'm super excited about our girlie day next month... maybe we can do lunch another day while you're here. Love always...
Yeah, Stefanie has probably given him the wrong idea. Haha... I'm excited about our girlie day too! And yeah, I'm up for a lunch date too :). Loveya Stacy!
"total eclipse of the heart" ha ha ha. with rj i used to work out to richard simmons. (seriously lost all but 5 of my baby weight) anyway, i think this song was on one of the work out vhs tapes. vhs... what IS that?
also, i believe that blogging is also journal writing.
I missed the eclipse here too! Utah was covered with fog and clouds...not the best combo for sky gazing. Oh well, maybe in 2010
Yes, Elka, you're right... Blogging IS journaling of sorts :). And since I'm planning to print mine out.... Someone told me I had better get a binder the size of Manhattan because of how much I write :). What can I say? I'm wordy :).
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