Well, I waited until after my class to post today. Really it's mostly because I do not have much of anything interesting to say. Yesterday I got off work and then met Virginia at the Quizno's "over the bridge," which is much less congested, since it's away from the campus. Also, I had coupons to that Quizno's. Then, right next door to the Quizno's is some kind of chocolatier. So you know we had to go in and see what that was about. I think I will return one day when I feel like I have extra money to spend on chocolate. It's rather pricey, but they had chocolate dipped strawberries that looked delicious! Anyway, then I went home, talked to my mom for a little while to tell her about the class thing I mentioned yesterday, then got a shower and went to Institute. So, it was a full day! But not super-eventful :).
Good news about the class thing... I talked to someone who works in the program and she suggested talking with my other class-mates and finding out how many people are in the same situation as I am (that they can graduate in August 2008 if they offer this class). She said that, if there are enough of us, there is a good chance we can petition to have the class offered. So, I asked April if she would make the announcement in her class last night, and she did. So, one of the girls in that class has already emailed the director of the program and made the request. And there are a total of 5 of us so far who need the class. So, maybe they will see the need and go ahead and offer it!
I have committed to myself that I would not talk about classes on this blog, since I end up complaining about them. And I don't want to seem like too much of a complainer ;). But I did have class this morning. Then I went and weighed-in for Strive for Five and - Yay! I lost everything I'd gained from last week and then a little bit extra! So woohoo!
And, sadly, that completes all my news. I get off early today, so that is exciting. Of course, I know I will need to dedicate at least some of my time to taking more notes for my presentation tomorrow. See, sometimes the Nilla life really is quite boring. I do have lots of "remember" stories to tell. But I'm trying to spread those out a little ;). So, I'll make today a short one (and you might want to mark this day as historical, since I don't do this often ;)).
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
Good luck with getting the class started. I know what you mean by uneventful days. Same here, so I'm commenting to give you something to read! =]
when i first looked at the title for yesterday's blog, i thought it said, "cheese et al." food for thought.
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