Tuesday, July 1, 2008

100 Things About Me -- Part 1 of 10

Well, I have seen a list like this while I've been blog-stalking. And I think I'm also going to do it in phases, rather than have to think up 100 things all at once. This way, I can think up 10 at a time, and then I can use this list as filler on days (like today), when I don't have much of anything interesting to say. However, I tend to have a hard time coming up with any of these, so we'll see how it goes. Maybe it gets easier as you go on?

1. I am the second of four children.
2. My older brother (Ben) is nine years older than I am -- and yes, we have the same mom and dad :) -- there was just a huge gap.
3. My younger brother (Brad) is only 13 months younger than I am. Which is probably why he and I are so close. And also why he will never be as cool as I am :).
4. My younger sister (Christina) is pretty much my polar opposite. Despite this, she and I have a neat relationship, and I can't imagine life without her.
5. When I was about 12, I wanted 12 children. Mostly because I loved babies. Then I found out about all the pain associated (and for some reason, the clincher for me was the episiotomy procedure -- that did me in), and somehow 12 seemed like way too many.
6. At this point in my life, I'd like at least 3 children, but I'd really like 4, and 5 would be okay with me too.
7. I recorded MTV videos from the summer of 1995 to some time in 1996. I still have the VHS tape, and I also have the list of all the songs and things I recorded.
8. I used to think my MTV videos on VHS would be valuable to society one day. (I had delusions of grandeur). I imagined a day when there were no more music videos, and people would come from miles around to watch my videos.
9. In light of the above, I now realize that youtube has robbed me of my dream. Darn youtube.
10. I love to make lists. I come across old lists from time to time, and I have to smile at myself, because I realize that that part of my personality has been showing for a long time :).

*Kira and Elka have guessed the movie quote correctly!*


Heath Hopkins said...


Nilla said...

12. That is not my number 11 :).

Heath Hopkins said...

11.5 See #12 to prove my point. :D

the happy thomas family said...

hello there, sunshine.... is your movie quote from bambi by any chance? love you!

Virginia said...

Nilla and I are very much in control ... well of everything but our love of ice cream!

Heath Hopkins said...

I've got some Blue Bell Key Lime Pie ice cream waiting on her. :)