I was rather ho-hum on whether or not I'd even blog today. Nothing much to say... imgine that! I spent my evening working on packing. I'm rather proud of how far I got. I have a whole pile of stuff I need to take to good-will... A lot of clothes I'm parting with because I never wear them. I don't even know why I kept some of them this long. The good news is that most of what I'm getting rid of is not being gotten rid of because it's too small. I just seriously don't wear them. Hopefully someone else will finally get some use out of them. Anyway, so that's what I worked on. That, and re-writing the Panama list on an un-scribbled on piece of paper so I could add some things, and so I could have it torn out of my little notebook to take with me to Panama instead of having it packed in a box in T-town while I'm out of country... So you see how interesting my evening was ;).
Although... Brad called me to tell me he got some of my mail from the University. What the heck?! Well, due to some weird error of the postal world (which they refuse to correct, I might add), when Brad and Tarylyn moved into their own place, they did a change of address form. And so now a lot of things with our last name (whether that mail is intended for Brad's family, my mom, or -- now -- for me) go to Brad's house. It's a lovely situation. One they have tried to fix for over 6 months now to no avail. I do believe I'll be going in to have a little chat with the idiots that work at the post office up there. I mean, really... how hard is it to differentiate between first names??? Ugh. And then I slept very very soundly last night. So soundly, in fact, that when I finally became conscious that I was hitting snooze, it was 7:26. For the record, I am due at work at 7:30. Do you think I made it? Nope. But anyway, while in the midst of getting ready for work, my cell phone rings. I mean, really... who calls me at 7:30? Turns out Brad does. Because Brad is driving over 300 miles to work today, and it's 5:30 his time. I guess I shouldn't be whining about 7:30, right? Ick. So, we talked the whole rest of the time while I headed to work, and he reminded me of episodes of Garfield and Friends... a great show from our childhood :).
Okay, anyway, so I was blog-stalking a few minutes ago and came across this idea on my friend's sister's blog. She's also now my blogosphere buddy, so at least I stalk her non-anonymously :). Anyway, I thought this would be fun. Here's the "game":
A Stroll Down Memory Lane
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
I mean, you guys know how I love to write memory lane posts, so you know this was very cool to me. So, amuse me and play along :). I'd love to hear your memories of us... perhaps there's one I don't remember :)!
*And Julie guessed the movie quote!*
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
Chill'n with the Nursery gang, Blackjack Cherry Frozen Yogurt, Cheesecake, Chick Flicks, Temple Trips, Thriftstores, Hudson's Dirt Cheap and Elder Bybee.
I can't remember what Elder Bybee did. I just remember he was really goofy, even though he didn't mean to be.
I have SO MANY Hila memories. To pick one......... Remember the night we went and got two for two dollar quarter pounder with cheese from McDonalds and ate them on your parents porch. You had that hammock chair swing thing. I really liked that swing. For some reason that is a warm fuzzy memory. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Yes, I do remember that ;). It must be one you like, because you mention it a lot. It seems like forever ago :). And it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)... So glad we have lots of years ahead of us to be bestest friends ;). Loveya girlie!
Well Hila, I think one of my funnest & fondes memories of us together was the night we were sitting outside of Winn Dixie waiting for Brad to get out of work. I think you put this in your blog, but here's the story...While we were waiting for Brad we got bored so we decided to make up & play a game. The game was the next person to walk in or out of the store was going to be my or Hila's man, & we would take turns doing this (so yes, we had like 50 men according to that game), well, one of Hila's turns came up on the only really hot guy to walk in the store & I got all upset & jealous, so when my turn came around this really old, hairy redneck kinda man came out & Hila deemed him as my man & called him "the Scruffer"!!! I got pretty mad about it then, but now it so hilarious!!! :) I love you Hila, & miss you too. Oh, & the movie is Crocodile Dundee 2 :) hope you're happy Hila. P.S. I can't remember my username or password :( so I'm anonymous
i haven't read your post yet! just wanted to let you know that i realize i'm a complete loser when it comes to "keeping in touch..."
sorry! love ya still!
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