I swear, it must be me...
So yesterday I was sitting here working. All of a sudden, William calls out calmly, "Oh rat!" I said, "What?" And he said, "A rat." I said, "Are you serious?" He said, "Yeah, and it's a big one." Well, he got up and said, "I'm going to go get a box." I rapidly closed out of the programs in which I was working, and I left my cubicle. The good news is that, at that point, the rat hadn't been in my cube. It crawled into a huge shelving unit that spans the wall between my cube and William's cube. Well, in the end, we found out that these rats had a nice little home underneath the bottom shelf of the shelving unit. Ugh. And this rat was massive. Turns out they had been stealing Hershey Kisses that had been set out at Easter time and bringing them to their little home. It was completely disgusting. I took a picture, but I think I'll pass on this one. Anyway, the rat ended up escaping to freedom yesterday by climbing over my cubicle walls and jumping. And then visiting someone else's cube, who screamed, and then running off. At least I know why it was they were always found back near my cube. Ugh. I was starting to get a complex. I spent a good 30 minutes disinfecting my entire cubicle yesterday, after the rat got cornered in my cube and scaled my cubicle wall. I even sprayed the fabric on the cubicle wall with lysol. I don't care if it smells like lysol for years... at least it's been sprayed.
Good news! I finally got my other grade! I graduate with a 4.0 GPA in graduate school! Yippee!!!
Sad news: I went to my last class of Institute here last night :(. I always learned so much there, and last night was no exception. I will miss it. But, I hope they will have a good Institute program in the area to which I'm headed. We shall see...
Bad news: It's freakin' hot outside. The last several days have reached upper-90s and low 100's. Yes, that's what I said. And with something like 99.99999% humidity. I talked to my mom on Saturday and I said (out of curiosity, since I'll be there soon), "What's the weather like there?" And she said, "Oh, today will probably be a cooler day." I said, "What does that mean?" And she said, "Oh it'll probably reach into the 70s today." I said, "Okay, if 70s is cool, and you were complaining about it being hot the other day, what do you consider hot?" And she said, "Well, it's been getting into the 80s." Sorry, Mom. I have no sympathy for your stifling 80-degree weather. Maybe I'll be sad about it in 5 years. But right now, that sounds like what we would consider "cool." Let's just say I won't miss the heat and humidity of Alabama ;).
*And I forgot to say that Julie knows the movie quote!*
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
so i can totally see your mom saying that! i wish i could occasionally board a plane to seattle to get a break from the heat!
I wish I felt inspired to move to a cooler climate! I know the movie quote since I just borrowed it, but I'm NOT going to guess ;-p
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