Sometimes something happens that makes me realize the things I do have and have had in life that I know I definitely take for granted. Tuesday at the library, I was brought into a situation because I can speak Spanish. And in that time, I witnessed courage and love -- and I experienced humility. A young boy wanted to get a library card. He wasn't super young, but he is a minor and therefore had to have a parent sign for him. He filled out the whole card application on his own, because he was so excited to be able to get a card. He spoke English very well. His mother, though, did not. In fact, his mother can't even sign her name. I was involved because I was asked to have her spell her name to me and I would write it. She could not do that. She told me her name, but my boss said that wasn't sufficient, that she had to spell it for me to write so we had it correct. She asked if her son could sign her name for her. I explained that he could not. Finally she said she could write her name. And what followed was something I think was courageous and full of love, in that she wanted to do what it took for her son to be able to get his card that day. She wrote her name, slowly, meticulously. And some of the letters were backwards and upside down. But she wrote it. And I realized in that moment that there are people who don't know how to read or write. Not just English, but at all. And I realized how blessed I am that I was born into a situation where I had the opportunity to not only learn to read and write English, but also Spanish. And I know I take that for granted. It's not something I think about, because it's so easy for me. But as I watched this mother muster the courage to write her name in the best way she knew how in front of her son and complete strangers, I recognized what I have. And I admired her for the fact that she is trying, because her son explained later that they are working with her at home and trying to teach her. I hope I will remember this experience. I hope I will always appreciate the blessings I have that allow me to write this blog post.
In a less "deep" thought... My garden is continuing to come along. I have 6 more cucumbers I believe I will be picking this weekend. I'll be sharing. I am not going to eat all 6 of them. Also, I have over 30 tomatoes now! Almost all my plants have at least one little tomato growing. I'm amazed! And excited about them :). My squash plants are ginormous. They are practically taking over! they look like a small forest. If I'd have known they were going to do that, I'd have definitely spaced them out more!!! But you live and learn... And I will remember these lessons for next year :). Only next year I won't be planting so many tomatoes. I want to branch out and plant lots of different things! Maybe some lettuce, since Brad and Tarylyn are having luck with that. Then I'd practically have a whole salad!
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
we learned that too about squash. They are big plants and very full. Need alot of room, kinda like a bush... but not like a tree... cause there is a difference. :)
very courageous mother!!! awesome gift for her son to read library books and so sweet they are teaching her at home! thank you for sharing that wonderful experience Hila!! =]
i had to ditch my tomato plant. it was diseased. gonna try a different type next year
O' my. It is easy to forget how blessed we are... it is the little things... I am really glad you wrote about your experience. :)
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