Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eclipse Take 2!

So Christina and I made plans to go see Eclipse. After comparing schedules, it was determined that Tuesday night would be the day. Or night. And because it played at 7:30 p.m. last week, I was betting it would be the same this week. Good thing I don't put money on my bets sometimes. Because I'd have lost big time! I got home from work and checked my garden -- the usual routine -- and then remembered to check the movie times. And, well... Turns out they had changed the time. The movie was only playing at 6:30 and 9:30. And for the record, it was 6:15. Yeah. There was no way we were making the 6:30 showing. And after much deliberation (because we are old now, and we don't do the whole out til midnight up and at work by 8 the next morning thing all that easily ;)), we decided to go to the 9:30 showing. So I ended up picking up Christina around 8:15 and we went to Target. To get our nachos. Because, remember, I told you I would not be buying movie nachos again! And let me tell you... Target nachos and soda were a much better deal! We paid $2.50 plus tax for both "combos." And then we sat in Target and ate our nachos and drank our drink and we resurrected the Scruffer Game. This game was created in 1999 when Brad was a bag-boy at WinnDixie in Dothan. Christina and I would go pick him up from work, and sometimes he would take a while to get off work, so we'd have to sit and wait in the parking lot. And so we made a game. We would watch the people go in and out of the store and if it was a guy, we would take turns saying the next guy was my guy or Christina's guy. Okay, it probably sounds like a stupid game. But it was hilarious. And one time, the guy who came out on Christina's turn looked really rough. And for some reason, we started calling him the Scruffer. Hence the game name. So yeah, we sat in Target and played that game. Highlights of that event were as follows: Christina got all the old guys and I got a dude wearing a bright red doo-rag on his head and the tightest turquoise pants I have ever seen a man wear. We had a grand time. We laughed and laughed and laughed. And then we went next door to the movie. We enjoyed it a lot. And yes, we made it until the end of the movie ;). I got home about 12:15 and pretty much went right to bed.

And because no post these days is complete without some sort of mention of my garden... Here are a couple of pictures. I have 3 tomatoes on one plant and one starting on another plant. My biggest cucumber is about 8 inches long now, and I will probably be picking it in the next day or two. Plus I have several others, two of which are pretty big themselves. The pepper plants are still growing, but have yet to produce a pepper. And the strawberries have not been stolen by birds, thanks to the netting. But something is still getting to them and taking bites. And I ate an apple from the tree. Possibly an unripened one. It was small and very tart. But the keep falling off, so I figured that was a sign they are ready? Maybe not. But what do I know? Hahaha.


the happy thomas family said...

how fun that you saw it again! hooray! ;) ... and the same thing happened to me and my mom tuesday night. we were going to the 8:05 ... but they had cancelled that show, and we ended up having to go at 9:15. guess where we went to kill time? ... :) ... great minds think alike, i always say. love you!

juliebean said...

It must be pretty awesome for you to hit it twice... One day I might watch the series. Glad you had a good time with your sister. :)

April Lauren said...

How fun! The game cracked me up! :)