Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Fruits (and Vegetables) of My Labor

Sometimes life can get pretty busy! That has been true of the past few days for me. I had to work the late shift at the library on both Wednesday and Thursday. It was not my favorite thing. I'm glad that is over! And so, by Friday, it was finally a chance for Lea and I to work together! And so it was fun. Since we live close to each other and have to drive 20 minutes to work at the library, I usually drive if we are both working the same shift. Because there's no sense in us both using our gas. So we decided to make our shift fun, and we did. Wooohooo! Then it was back to the funeral home where it was quite busy. I stayed until 6 to watch the reception desk, and then I came home, changed clothes, watered my garden, and headed to Lea's to walk. And so we walked. And since it was hot, we sweated a lot. Gross. We are not outdoorsy types of girls, either. ;). And then we ate hamburgers for dinner and sat around and talked for a while. But eventually I had to go, since it was getting late and I had to work the next morning.

Saturday I worked in the morning at the library. Then I went and ran errands. Lots of fruits are on sale this week. So I hit up a couple of grocery stores. Then home to work in the garden. And you know that paper stuff I put down around the tomatoes (which was a huge chore) that was supposed to keep weeds and grass from growing? Yeah well that didn't work at all. So I finally pulled it all up. And had about 6 inches of grass (if not higher) to hoe. And due to the squatting stance one must employ to hoe, I now have sore hamstrings! And it was hotter yesterday (well, and today) -- at 87 degrees. And I ran out of steam about halfway through. Bummer. But it is looking better. Just have to make sure to do the other half this upcoming weekend. That's what I get for trying to take the easy way out... But exciting news!!! I have 10 tomatoes in various stages of development!!! Here's a picture of 3 of the 4 biggest!
Lea had the late shift at work, so after work, she and I texted back and forth a bit and I told her about my garden. Because I'm so very excited about it ;). And so she brought me a surprise: a 7/11 Slushee. She and Chuck (her husband) had gotten themselves one and they got me one too, since I'd been out working in the garden in the heat. So I took them to the back yard and showed them the garden. It's nice when a friend just surprises you with something nice like that. I have a ton of awesome friends who do that for me. Sometimes they come in the mail (since so many of my wonderful friends are thousands of miles away). Just sitting here thinking of them all makes me realize how blessed I am... You guys are, in a word, awesome. Anyway, so then I jumped on facebook, and Tarylyn invited me to go over and hang with them, since Brad had to work at 2 in the morning and they couldn't go to sleep anyway. So I did. And took snackies for the kids and we watched My Musical (one of the best Scrubs episodes ever), and several episodes of Arrested Development. I love to laugh with my brother at these things. And here is a picture of Saria and Benjamin. Saria was carrying my purse and the bag of goodies, and Samuel said, "She looks like you Aunt Hila!" So I snapped a picture of my mini-me. And Benjamin was just being a ninja, apparently. I never did get a picture of Samuel last night. I will have to rectify that soon.Today I woke up and had breakfast. Then I checked my garden again. And then I got ready for choir practice. Then I went and picked up Christina's girls, since we have started taking them to church most Sundays. It's an adventure, really, for someone who has never had children and never had to juggle a 1 year old, a 5 year old, a diaper bag, a purse, and a bag full of Sunday School stuff. Always an adventure. But Desiree and Emily are quite good, and it is a joy to spend the time with them. Although when I took Emily to nursery today, she broke my heart just a little when she followed me as I was leaving and her little face just crumpled into a cry. She usually does really well with it. Today she was just a bit needy. But thank goodness for awesome nursery workers who know how to distract a 19-month old. She did fine. And Desiree always does well. When I was driving them home today, I asked Desiree what they learned today in Primary. She said, "About being shareful and reverent... again." How I love that girl. Shareful. I like that word. Anyway, so then I came home and Sue and I decided not to walk, since it's so stinking hot here. So I watered my garden again -- have to keep it watered on these hot days -- and then went to Wendy's to pick up her key since I'm house-sitting again. This time I am also house-sitting the dog that peed on my foot last month. Yay. Hahahaha. It's all good, as long as she doesn't pee on my foot again! And after I got back, I went out and picked my very first cucumber!!! Okay, this is so exciting to me. I know I'm a dork. And I accept it. I even embrace it. And you can enjoy my dorkiness in a series of pictures. Because, yes, I took several as I used the cucumber for the pasta salad (couresty of Julie's mom) that I made to take to Lea's tomorrow for our bbq after she and I walk (I'm also taking Kira's chocolate toffee bars -- easily one of the best recipes in this world, because it's easy and tastes phenomenal!). And so, enjoy. The fruits (and vegetables) of my labors!!So you can see the process from garden to table ;). Usually I use the twistie pasta for this recipe, but I just used what we had in the pantry. It's weird looking, but it works :).

Also, we tried something new that Lea suggested. Strawberries (they were 10 for $10 at the grocery store, so I got 2 boxes) dipped in sour cream and then in brown sugar. I know it sounds weird. But it's actually quite good. I don't even like sour cream much. It's different. I can't describe it. But I liked it. So if you are feeling adventurous (and I rarely do when it comes to food), give it a try! My mom, my grandmother, and I wiped out one of my boxes of strawberries trying this out.


April Lauren said...

I am so jealous of your Veggies!! Yum! That pasta dish looks so good!

I have always wanted to read Enders Game... I have only ever heard good things about it! I am excited to read it.

juliebean said...

That is a nice big cucumber. You did good. You are really into this garden thing. I grew up with a big ole garden... All the veggies we ate were ones we grew and picked ourselves. It was alot of work. :) Glad you are liking it.