Saturday, July 17, 2010

Swing Batter, Batter

So Thursday I had training and had to drive an hour to work. I arrived in time. I only took a wrong turn once, well okay twice. But both times I was just following my google maps directions. And I didn't like what I was seeing either time, so I turned around and went my own way. The training wasn't really all that bad, I have to admit. It was nice to do something different. The worst part was probably when we had to experience -- through an acitivity -- the idea that everyone has a different idea of where personal space begins. It is not cool to have someone I don't know coming into my personal space. And pretty much all of us felt this way, because we were all giggling nervously and looking anywhere other than in the eye of the person who was either invading our space or we were invading theirs. It was awkward, to say the least. Makes me think of a movie line, though. Bonus cool points if you can name the movie :). "This is your dance space." Classic.

So my mom called me on Friday while I was at work to tell me that I have a tomato! One little tomato! I'm excited. I took a picture, but it's so small that when I zoomed in it got all blurry, and you can't really tell. So we wait until it gets bigger and more ready for its close-up ;). But i have one. Yippee! And I have at least 21 cucumbers from my last count. And some are getting large. And the plants themselves are growing out of control! I have included pictures.
On Friday, after my day of work, I walked with Lea and Morgan (Lea's daughter) and then we had empanaditas and taco salad for dinner. And then we all talked and laughed. And then we watched one episode of Glee.

I really should have hoed my garden and pulled weeds today. But I didn't.

Instead I went to work at the library -- which, for now, is pretty unavoidable, since I have exactly one month left for my "probation" period. But I'm closing in on the end of that. And I've already got time scheduled to be off. It's time. And after working at the library (which was hideously slow today), I drove to Lea's and hopped in their car and we all went to her daughter's softball tournament. So I was there from about 2:30 to 8:30. And it was a sunny day. I got burnt. Not bad. But I can feel it. One nice thing? The temperature never got over 75. So you can bask in the sun without sweating like a stuck pig. Which is gross. Oh, and ballpark nachos are better and cheaper than theatre nachos. I'm just sayin'. So we had fun. But I am tired. The Air Force was also having an air show nearby, so we got to see some of that, withouth the inconvenience of trying to get on base. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera ready at any of the cool air show moments like when 3 plans flew overhead and expelled red, white, and blue exhaust. That was cool. On the way back home, we stopped at 7-11 and got slushees. And then we just laughed the whole way back. So it was a great day all around. Just tiring. By the end of the evening, my left eye was being all wonky. That's my squintier eye. And it's more noticeable when I'm really tired. Hahahah. So on that note, I'm off to bed. And I'm totally sleeping in tomorrow.


Elizabeth said...

Well that quote just gave it away! Twilight!!! Not sure if I would've gotten the book, but maybe I would've...after thinking about it a bit...

juliebean said...

what a fun life you have. At least it sounds like it. Glad you are so happy!