Friday, July 9, 2010

Pepino Cantador!

Believe it or not, this is a song title post. Of sorts. You will enjoy it, I just know it. So take a listen here. And think I'm crazy, go ahead. But this is a throw-back to about 10 years ago. And I believe I watched this at Julie's parent's house with Julie and Alysha -- back in the day. And yes, it does relate to my blog post. I'm not that random :).

Well I'm sitting around with a temporary crown these days. And I'm not talking about a tiara on my head. I went to the dentist today and they took off my old porcelain crown. Now I have a plastic one in. And in three weeks I'll get my other new porcelain crown. That should be made of gold with what I'm paying. Hahaha. Dental work is soooo expensive. But it will be done. They numbed me up today, since they were going to be working under the gum line. I hate the shot the most. That is the worst part for me. Once that is over, I'm pretty good to go. Except, inevitably, I alwyas feel like I have to swallow at the moments when I can't. Isn't that the worst feeling? I think it's psychological -- like I only want it because I know I can't do it at that moment. But they were really quick with everything. I was surprised how quickly it was all said and done. Right now I'm mostly just sore where they injected me. And maybe my gums around that molar are a bit tender. But no massive pain. I did learn that it is really really weird to try to eat anything or drink anything out of a can when half your mouth is numb. I mean, I've had dental work before where I've been numbed up, but I guess I never ate anything until after the numbness wore off. So it was kind of funny today. I had a salad for lunch, and it was like I couldn't tell there was anything in one side of my mouth. Weird feeling. Also couldn't tell if I was getting the lettuce into my mouth on the left side. Hahaha. I bet it would have funny to be watching me eat today... Also why it is unwise to eat when numb: you bite your lip and don't really know it. So you bite it again.

Lea and I did not walk today. When I went to the dentist, I saw a digital display that said the temperature was 93 degrees outside. And that was at 11:30. Disgusting! So I texted Lea after she got off work and told her I was game if she was, but that it wouldn't hurt my feelings if we skipped it! Hahaha. And so we didn't walk. Which was fine. I came home and watered my plants. I have done a lot of watering this week, because of the heat. And here is where my title comes in :). So I'm out there checking all my plants before I start watering. This is an almost-daily ritual! I still see no tomatoes. Lots and lots of buds. Especially on my big leafy one. Which is becoming hugely massive, so I need to buy a cage for it that I can construct around it, because it's entirely too big to put a round tomato thing over. But then I went to look at the cucumbers and noticed for the first time that I had yellow blossoms! I was stoked! I figured that meant there'd be cucumbers before long. And then I looked closer... The cucumbers are already there!!! They are tiny, it's true. But they are there! So here's a picture of two of my cucumbers. I'm sure they will continue to grow. Almost all of my cucumber plants have at least 1 cucumber growing. It's so exciting!!!
And since this cucumber bit came to mind... I will share my memory about pepino cantador (singing cucumber for those of you who didn't watch the clip). About 10 or 11 years ago, Veggie Tales were pretty big and popular. Heath and I were dating and we had gone to Wal-Mart. We went down the toy aisle. I don't know why. But we did. And there were these Veggie Tale toys where you could press the toy and it would talk. Well, there was Larry the Cucumber. And when you pressed him, he said: "I'm not a pickle, I'm a cucumber." And I laughed so hard the first time I heard that. Because the voice was just so full of disappointment that people thought it was a pickle. I know it sounds dumb, but it was sooo funny to me. It made me laugh! And perhaps it was Julie who started calling Heath pepino cantador because of his green striped polo shirt. I can't remember if that was before the Wal-Mart incident or after. But she always referred to it as his pepino cantador shirt. Ah, good times. I love random memories that just pop up because of new experiences. It's fun to remember sometimes ;).

So there you go. I'm very excited about my cucumbers. Although, if they do sing, I'm either going to run in sheer terror or try to become rich.


juliebean said...

i forgot about that nickname. I was good at giving that boy nick names. PHAUT.... among others. He always wore the same kind of shirt, in different colors. He was a trip. :)

Nilla said...

That's why it's good to keep me around ;). I will help you remember some stuff ;). That's how I earn my keep. Hahaha.