This is a good song. I've known it for years. Music is amazing like that. It really sticks with us. I can't remember the last time I heard this song, but I can still sing all of it :).
I dream a lot. And I'm not talking about night-time in-my-sleep dreams. I have those a lot too. But usually they are very odd and don't make a lot of sense. My subconscious mind takes a million life experiences and throws them in a bag, shakes them all up, and then pulls some of them out and sticks them together. And the results are sometimes weird; sometimes amusing; sometimes disturbing; sometimes very realistic; but always interesting.
But I'm not talking about those dreams. I'm talking more about daydreams. The kinds of dreams I have a little bit more control over. Sometimes I feel like a teenager again, imaging what my life will be -- what I want it to be -- what I hope it will be. As my life changes, so do my musings and the life I create in my head. For example...
Lately I've craved a place of my own. Not because I don't enjoy living with my mom. But because, more than anything, I want a place that is mine where I can invite people over to play games and watch a movie. That simply isn't an option here, for a number of reasons. At least, it's not an option right now. I have plans in my head (more dreams) of how it could be a reality one day, assuming nothing else changes (though I sincerely dream of the possibility that other things could change and will change -- like maybe I'll get a job with which I can actually support myself in the not-so-distant future). So I have something in mind to hopefully make this a reality one way or another. But even so, I still dream of owning my own home. Which has me googling short sales and houses for sale in the area. And no, it's not even a remote possibility right now. It's not financially feasible. But it's still fun to look. And then imagine. And so I've been doing that today. Imagining. Dreaming. And then I tell tell my best friend in the whole world about my crazy daydreams, and then she dreams along with me! And together we dream about how I will get the house and she will come out here and help me decorate (because we all know I lack the fru-fru gene...).
Because sometimes daydreams are just an escape, you know? And sometimes you need that escape. Sometimes you need to plan out how great it will be when your best friend magically moves to Washington State (which will be even more convenient for when she helps you decorate your house :)). Or how you will one day work at your job, not because you have to, but because you want to because it's fun and flexible and you don't have to because you have a wonderful husband who has a great job and with whom you totally click and in the evenings you cuddle up on the couch together and watch episodes of some sarcastically funny tv show or some sappy romantic movie that he says he doesn't want to watch, but that he is secretly enjoying. Or how you will one day be able to host get-togethers for all the major holidays and any fun day in between with lots of laughs, games, and goodies for family and friends. And okay, so some of these might never happen. But some of them might.
And besides, according to the quote for the movie quote guess this week, sometimes the best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.... I think I hear my alarm ;).
Disclaimer: I'm not complaining. Just musing. Sometimes it's fun to muse.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
i think i live in dreamland more than i do reality
you should write a book.
because you are an excellent writer. And I will be your chief decorator.
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