A couple of thoughts about this song title post (the song can be heard here)...
1. If my dreams are an indication of my heart's wishes, then my heart is just as crazy as my head ;).
2. Something tells me some of my dreams will never actually take place ;). Like the one that I'm about to share!
I had this dream about a week ago -- before Christmas. And it all took place in about 15 minutes of real time (between 8:15 when my alarm went off and 8:32 when I got a text). So here's the dream...
I'm sitting at a long table with a bunch of little chairs. I'm sitting amongst a bunch of 5 year olds in a classroom at Los Rios Elementary School (in Panama). At the table across from mine is another adult who I recognize as Mrs. Zapata, who was my 1st grade teacher (in real life). It is time to go around the room and introduce ourselves, so I stand up (a giant amidst all these kids) and I say, "Hi, my name is Hila. I'm 29 years old. Fifteen years ago, Mrs. Zapata was actually my kindergarten teacher, and now I'm back in her class!"
Commentary: Please note that that is bad math. And I'm really not that bad at math in real life. Let me explain... 1. Mrs. Zapata was my 1st grade teacher in real life. And I was not in kindergarten 15 years ago (though that could go one of 2 ways for me... I could either be 20 now with a whole heap of education behind me because I was so smart (not likely); or I could have been really really dumb and been in kindergarten at the age of 14 (more likely, but not true ;)). So yeah. Bad math in my dreams. Apparently that's not my subconscious strong-point. Math should go in the axis of evil according to "Dream Nilla". Hahahaha. Okay, enough. Back to the dream.
So at this point, I'm thinking: "How do I explain to a group of 5 year olds the concept of a bachelor's degree?" Because I start saying to them: "I got my bachelor's degree in English..." But I stop myself. Because what 5 year old knows what a Bachelor's degree is anyway? So, I mentally think this out and this is what I end up saying to my classmates (because, yes, I am in fact a student in the classroom at the age of 29)... "I went to school for grown-ups and I learned a lot about English. And then I went to more school so I could learn how to be a librarian, because I like books, and I like to help people find good books to read."
Commentary: Wow... I'm articulate in my dreams! (that was sarcasm, by the way).
Anyway, at about this time, my phone went off indicating I had a text message. So I woke up. But what a crazy dream! I mean, I was literally the age I am now with the knowledge I have now, but I was in kindergarten. And somehow it seemed perfectly normal to me and everyone else around me!
A couple of days later, I had another dream that I remembered. I was in Panama -- again the age I am now. I was at our old house in Cardenas. Christina was there, but she was younger, beecause we were sharing our old bedroom, and she was still asleep in the bed. I was getting into the upper right-hand drawer to get out socks. And I specifically remember I was getting my 2nd pair of toe socks (like the ones Le sent me for Christmas last year that I love for winter flip-flop wearing :)).
Commentary: I only own one pair of those toe socks in reality. Also, I wouldn't have a reason to wear toe socks with flip flops in Panama since it never gets cold there...
So, question: If a dream is a wish your heart makes, what does that say about me and my dreams ;)?!!! Hahahaha... I'm so crazy. Although I have definitely said a number of times that I wouldn't mind going back to being a kid with my knowledge as a 29 year old (because let's face it, my knowledge and experience has been hard-won). However, in saying that, I don't actually want to be a giant 29-year old in a kindergarten class :). I want to blend a little :).
And I don't know about you, but I'm starting off to an interesting 2010. Life. It's never dull, is it? Or is that just the "Nilla Life?"
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
1 comment:
love your dreams! i had a dream that i had a dog named wesson (smith and wesson, the gun). it was a brindle greyhound.
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