For whatever reason, my 1 1/2 year streak of having no problem falling asleep at night has come to an end. I'm hoping it's temporary. But in the last week, I think I've only fallen asleep within 10 minutes of turning out the lights once. I had been so enjoying the immediate gratification of sleep and not the torturous hour (at least) of my brain working overtime and thinking about everything except maybe what is in the kitchen sink :). I have returned to the nights of tossing and turning... literally. I have my little system, too. You will think I'm crazy. Oh wait... Half of you reading this probably already do anyway, so what do I have to lose ;). (And the other half of you? Well, the other half of you know I'm crazy :)). I have about 8 different positions I rotate through whenever I get into the non-sleeping phase. And they are always done in order. And the end result is that I just roll in circles until I fall asleep. If that makes sense. However, I am very good at staying on my half of the bed. I don't know to whom the other half belongs. I just know that I subconsciously never go there ;). Anyway, I wonder if this happens in phases in my life. I seem to have gone through phases of it. I hope not. Because I would rather just drop off to sleep as soon as I get still and comfortable and the room gets dark :).
Today was a crazy busy day at work. Seriously insane. The receptionist went home sick, so Sue and I took turns on the reception desk. Only Sue had scrap-bookers in the afternoon, so that meant I was on the desk all afternoon. And then we had two families come in to make arrangements. And then another man to make pre-arrangements. And so none of our directors were available, none of our family service advisors were available. And the people just kept on a-comin'! And the phone kept on a-ringin'! So, I was pretty tired by the end of the day. And poor Callie (the cat) was quite upset that she didn't have anywhere to go and relax, because there were people everywhere. And even more distressing was the fact that her usual bffs (as Sue refers to us) were all otherwise detained and unable to pet her and brush her and love her. Do love that cat though. She is a beautiful cat. She's particular and doesn't let strangers have anything to do with her. Or rather, she doesn't have anything to do with strangers. But the people who work there... she comes to us so we can pet her. We say she's management.
I'm tired. I wonder if I will fall asleep easily tonight. I wonder if there is a direct correlation between blogging frequency and lack of sleep :). Because in good old T-town, where I blogged almost daily, I tossed and turned every single night. It was awful, mostly because I had to be at work at hideous hours like 7:30 in the morning (I consider that cruel and unusual punishment, by the way). Here, at least, I can make up for the long time it takes to fall asleep by sleeping-in the next day. I embrace that :). Anyway, I'm half joking. There's probably no correlation at all. Although, with my new frequency in blogging, and my new lack of falling asleep quickly, it does cause one to wonder. What's that you say? Only a crazy person would make a connection between the two? Hmph. Well then refer to paragraph one :). I do not deny my craziness.
And I've felt really bloggy lately. So I have blogged. Even if it's mindless and silly. Maybe it's my new therapy. I need to write a book. I keep saying that.
Well, I'm off then. Off to read more about Ender and his Game. Off to ponder the mysteries of life while I try to fall asleep. Mysteries like: how do the geese determine which one is the lead in the flying V to begin with? And how do they determine which goose is next front-man? Look... We have a lot of Canadian Geese in the area. It's going to bear some thought in my mind at some point :).
Hope you enjoyed your foray into the brain of Nilla. Scary place, isn't it ;)?
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
there is a correlation between late night computer use and sleeping. if you stop using the computer at least one hour before bedtime, you will have a better night's sleep (according to some recent study). i haven't tried it because of school i'm on the computer until my eyes can't take anymore. probably why i can't sleep. *sigh*
It sounds like your plate has been quite full. I'm so sorry sleep is just not coming for you. New pillow, maybe? Even though I'm sure the pillow isn't the reason sometimes it helps:)
Excess baggage?
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