Friday, January 22, 2010


Okay, so I always feel guilty for writing a blog post that isn't all chipper and upbeat. And I consider removing it. But then it's not real. The blog, that is. I don't write about every aspect of my life. At least, not here. But sometimes I just want to vent. My life is not really vanilla, as I've indicated before. Probably nobody's life is. There are things that set us off as individuals. We all have different things that make us tick -- different things that make us laugh, cry, get mad, etc. My buttons got pushed. I cried. And I got angry. I'm not over it yet. I'll get there. I will try to take the advice to take a deep breath and decide whether or not this particular issue will matter in 10 years. But today, if I had to label my life an ice cream flavor, I'd label it Rocky Road. Because there is the obvious symbolism of the rocky road of life. But also because I don't like Rocky Road ice cream. It has nuts in it. I don't like nuts. And I didn't really like today. Or at least, the end of it. But I guess that's life. I must learn to accept that some days I am the pigeon, but some days I am the statue.


juliebean said...

I like that last line.... some days your the pigeon. I would much rather be the pigeon.....

Mitchell4 said...

Don't feel guilty. Your a strong beautiful woman who is real. It's good to let it out. Hope something great comes your way soon.
Sendig you hugs. I shared your pigeon quote with Big B and it gave us both a good laugh.