Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I feel like blogging, but I have nothing interesting to say :). Go figure! So here's a synopsis of all things Nilla. Well, okay... Maybe not all things Nilla. But how about a few things Nilla :).

  • It has been raining a lot here. I realize this is probably the norm. Or at least pretty close to the norm. But this round has been particularly annoying. And even people who have lived here for years are saying they are getting more aggravated with it this time than they usually do. Anyway, so far I have had two full-size towels reach the point of super-saturation on my floorboard. There's a third one in there now. That's a lot of water... Maybe I should implement Mrs S's tarp idea... especially now that I know to what she was referring :).
  • I feel like I was pretty productive today. I got all the Christmas decorations put away, and this is no small feat. It requires me to be a contortionist to get everything into the small crawl space under the stairs in the pantry. I also got rid of part of a rug in the basement and washed my sheets and comforter. And tonight I made my bed, so I will be looking forward to a nice, newly made bed here in a little bit when I lay down to read. (Have I mentioned that I'm not a bed-maker? I think it's one of the most pointless chores ever. Though I have to admit, I do like getting into a newly made bed....). Oh yeah, and these were in addition to me going to work and being productive there :).
  • Tomorrow my mom and I will be reorganizing and going through the pantry. Then maybe one will not have to contort oneself in the future...
  • I like having a purpose and a goal. It does something for my psyche and my spirit. It is good :).
  • I'm going to do something different on my blog, courtesy of Elka's ideas. Last week, I was bored, so I was blog-stalking myself ;). Hahaha.... Okay, so what that entails is just randomly going through old blog posts of my own. And some of them I'd forgotten all about! I was mentioning to Elka that I had forgotten some of them and that re-reading them made me laugh, and she said I should add a section on the side of my blog that has some of my favorite posts. I liked the idea. So, I have replaced Nilla Trivia with a section called "Glimpses". And there you will find links to some of the blog posts that have made me laugh or smile. I will change them out periodically. And maybe sometimes I will have a theme.

So, there you go. Nothing exciting. Just felt bloggy.

1 comment:

juliebean said...

Nice to know what is up in NillaLand!