Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Nilla List

Well, really quickly I'll give you the highlights of my evening. I got off work at 3:30, stopped by Publix to buy the rest of the ingredients for the cheeseball I signed up to make for the student appreciation party (Here's a story for you: I couldn't remember what I'd signed up for, since it was the week before Spring Break when we signed up... I thought I remembered it being something salty (and usually I just write "something salty" on the sheet so that I can make my decision to either buy or make something closer to time), so I wasn't feeling particularly inclined to make anything, so I figured I'd buy some chips. So, I went to Wal-Mart on Tuesday and bought a big bag of Doritos. And then the list was posted yesterday and I saw that I hadn't gone the smart route and written "something salty" but rather had actually volunteered for a cheeseball and crackers. Dang it. So, I had to go buy crackers and beef). So anyway, yeah, bought those ingredients. At least I signed up for something easy. Then I headed home and washed some clothes and forced myself to be a good student. I have really procrastinated stuff, and with the fact that I now have to re-do that whole literature review, I don't think I can do that anymore. So, I knocked the assignments for 523 out of there (I have to present tonight) and spent the rest of the evening reading for 523. I have to write up 3 booktalks by next week and actually need to do a total of 5 of them. I'm still in the middle of reading book 4: The Presence by John Saul. But I was successful in getting almost to the halfway point last night. Which means I read around 100 pages yesterday. Now if I could only keep that pace...

Okay, so the Nilla list. I had actually been thinking of making my list for some time now. And I always intended to blog it, but I had yet to get around to it. Then Julie found an old list she had made about 10 years ago, and she sent it to me, since she said I would appreciate it. And I did :). I'm wishing I had made a list like that 10 years ago so I could see the things I wanted to accomplish and see how many I could check off my list. Well, but I didn't. So I'm making one now. So, it's a work in progress. And most of it right now is places I want to see or go. But there are a couple of accomplishments on there I'd like to do.
  • Get married to "the right person in the right place at the right time"
  • Be a mom
  • Transit the Panama Canal on boat
  • Ride in a gondola in Venice
  • Go to the top of the Empire State Building
  • See the Statue of Liberty
  • Visit all 50 States (this means I have to actually visit something or someone there... Not just pass through, like in an airport)
  • See/go up in the Eiffel Tower
  • Be debt-free (although a mortgage could be acceptable debt)
  • Graduate from college with a master's degree
  • Own my own house (either by myself or with my spouse... both count :) -- but no more apartment living!)
  • See the great pyramids of Egypt (and go inside)
  • Take a cruise
  • Learn ballroom dancing
  • Ride in a limo (don't laugh! I've seriously always wanted to do this!)
  • Eat in a fancy restaurant that has all those forks and where you are supposed to wear a nice evening gown (yes, another materialistic silly thing, but I've really always wanted to do it just once!)
  • Learn sign language (I decided I wanted to learn about 10 years ago when I met Julie. Obviously I have wasted 10 years... I have picked up a few signs here and there. Maybe I will get motivated enough to learn it, because that would be neat)
  • Write a novel (and hopefully get it published!)
So I realize that a lot of that list is just stuff I want to see; places I want to go. But I've always had desires to travel. So, they go on the list. Although I never made a list before of the things I want to do or accomplish in my life, I do remember things I've wanted to do and have done (which is why they are not on the above list). So, I will list some of them for you here:
  • Go to NYC
  • See Washington, D.C.
  • Ride the NYC subway
  • Graduate from college with a bachelor's degree
  • Live on my own (okay, so this one is not all it's cracked up to be... Or at least not at this stage in my life. But it is something I know I had always wanted to experience, so now I can say I have).
Well, I sincerely hope there were others that I hoped to accomplish and did. Otherwise that's kind of sad. That's why it's good to have a list.

And, since I am making lists (have I mentioned that I love lists :)?), I will make a list of which of the states I have visited so far. (Does it make me a dork that I am enjoying my list-making??).
  • Alabama (I've been living here for 10 years and visited here every 2 years since 1985 before that)
  • Georgia (again, various times)
  • Florida (various times)
  • North Carolina (Brad and Tarylyn and Saria -- April 2003)
  • Louisiana (April 2000)
  • New Jersey (December 2007)
  • Pennsylvania (December 2007)
  • New York (December 2007)
  • Washington, D.C. (okay, so it's not a state, but whatever -- December 2007)
  • Washington (various times)
  • Utah (August 1999)
  • Colorado (July 1995)
  • Texas (a couple of times -- 1987ish and 1990ish)
Okay, well, I guess I'm about all out of lists. For the moment. But, now you know things the Nilla wants to do one day. Hopefully I get to check some stuff off my list soon :).

*Oh yeah, and Kristy guessed the movie quote correctly!*


The Silverback said...

you have to come back east (again) so that you'll make it to the top of the ESB and also get to see the Lady in the Harbor. The first time I saw her (Statue of Liberty) it brought tears to my eyes. She is beautiful. You did get to see Ground Zero.

Nilla said...

This is true... I saw a lot of neat things while I was up there :). And I fully intend to go back and visit again. That was just so much fun!

juliebean said...

It is neat to look back ten years or so from now and see what you have accomplished from your list. I know I had high goals and aspirations for my life and writing them down made them seem even more attainable. "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us."

Katherine Ronachert said...

it's depressing how little i've accomplished in the ten years since my first goal list. i had to modify some things like sing in public... i mean, who wants to hear me sing? was i totally stoned when i wrote that?

Katherine Ronachert said...

oh, but there was that one time during one of my college courses that i busted into a high note only to have the professor say, "it's ok, every once in a while i feel the need to do the same thing..." oh dear.
there was another time during 3rd grade that everyone was talking loud while i was trying to figure out a math problem and i yelled (no lie), "would you all shut up!"
i'm beginning to think i have a blurt problem...