Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm a Princess Too!

So I was blog-stalking yesterday.... And I came across this test to see what kind of Disney Princess you are. You know I had to find out. And, if you ignore the hideously poor grammar (probably a good indication that I can't trust the results too terribly much ;)), it's actually quite cute to do.

According to the quiz, I'm Snow White. "Pure and trusting. You are a gentle soul who can get along with just about anyone. Everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you. How can they resist? You have a pure, lovable nature that's irresistable. Just don't trust everyone who comes across your path."

You can do it too, if you go here.

You know what I'm wondering about Snow White? After she was awakened from that long slumber, do you think she felt rested? Because I'll tell you, I don't usually have a slumber in which, when I awake, I feel rested. And I'll tell you something else... I sure could have used a Prince Charming to come kiss me awake this morning. Maybe then I wouldn't have turned OFF my alarm (as opposed to hitting snooze) and maybe then I wouldn't have woken up when the clock read 7:05... And you all know I'm supposed to be at work at 7:00. Yeah, so that was fun, as I'm sure you all can imagine.

Oh, while I'm discussing blog-stalking things... I was blog-stalking yesterday, and I came across this blog in which this woman's New Year's resolution for 2008 is to cook one thing in her crock pot every day of the year. I put the blog link over on the right under "Places I Visit on the Web" or whatever I titled it way back when I created this blog. The link is "crock pot recipes." Just in case you couldn't figure that out :). Anyway, I haven't perused the whole thing yet (I mean, give me some credit here... I do get some work done at work :)), but I do stress the word yet. Because what I saw looked yummy. And, Elka, she takes pictures of all the food. My type of chick. She knows what sells recipes :).

So, good news! I finished my paper last night! 21 pages with the bilbliography. Although, I've noticed a bit of an anomaly... When I work on my paper in Microsoft Word 2007, it seems like the margins aren't as big, so I can fit more onto a page (which means it would be 20 pages long). But when I work on it in Word 2003, it magically becomes 21 pages long. Strange... I went ahead and told my professor that. That way she knows. The bad news is that now I have to come up with some idea for a program by next week. I don't even know what this assignment is! Good thing April had saved the information previously, so she emailed it to me. I still haven't felt like I have the energy to deal with that yet, so maybe I'll look it over sometime this weekend. Also, I still have to make a transparency. I would love to recycle one of the ones from 5th grade (look, she even told us we could go to FedEx/Kinko's and have one made for us, so I am thinking this really wouldn't be a big deal), but she mentioned having text on the transparency. So, I'm thinking all my pictures of endangered animals just isn't going to cut it. Plus there's a good chance they are all done in portrait, not landscape. I wonder how much Fed/Ex Kinko's costs? Or maybe I should just try to figure it out on one of the copy machines here... But what if I buy a cheap transparency and it melts in the machine? I'm telling you, too many issues.

Before I forget: *Virginia has guessed the movie quote!*

And, since I don't have much wisdom to impart (and I usually don't :)), and I don't want to use up one of my memory lane stories (believe me, I have a list going)... I think I will post half of the thing Julie emailed to me yesterday. So you can know me. As though you don't already ;). Anyway, everything that has an XX by it is something I've done in my lifetime...

Gone on a blind date
Skipped school XX (as much as possible my Senior year of high school -- with my parents' approval :), and just a little bit in college life, when there's really a valid reason)
Watched someone die
Been to Canada
Been to Mexico
Been to Florida XX
Been on a plane XX
Been lost XX (yeah, you should just go read about my Washington, DC trip.)
Been on the opposite side of the country XX (Washington State from Alabama... I think that counts)
Gone to Washington , DC XX (again, you should just go read about my DC trip :))
Swam in the ocean XX (in fact, I've swam in both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans... and the Gulf of Mexico... Not a fan, though. Don't like salty water -- it makes my skin itch)
Cried yourself to sleep XX (I'm sure I've done this on many occasions.)
Played cops and robbers
Recently colored with crayons
Sang Karaoke XX (I know I did this in 4th grade at Cathleen's house. There's the possibility I've done it since then, but I'm not entirely sure)
Paid for a meal with coins only? X (I'm only putting one X, because I was in a group where we were on a scavenger hunt, and we had to buy something with pennies. And so it wasn't just me, and we didn't buy a whole meal... We bought an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen. Oh, and this was something embarassing to me, so I won't ever do something like that again...)
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? XX (Unfortunately, yes)
Made prank phone calls
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Danced in the rain XX (yep, and played in it and everything else you can do in rain...)
Written a letter to Santa Claus XX (I'm going to say yes, even though I can't pinpoint a specific time... I'm sure I did as a child)
Been kissed under the mistletoe XX (I actually bought and kept some mistletoe once, that way I could be kissed under it anytime I wanted, not just at Christmas :))
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
Blown bubbles XX (Because I was a fun kid, and I'm a cool aunt now :))
Gone ice-skating XX (Yep, once, in Montgomery, AL... And I totally stink at it... I held on to the wall the entire time -- and I was about 20 years old)
Been skinny dipping outdoors
Gone to the movies XX (Not real recently, but yes, I've been to my share of movies)

And there you have it. Now you know a little more about me. Oh, and I'm overhearing more discussion about the possibility of snow this weekend. I'm telling you, I go through 27 years of no snow (well, except when I was 4, but like I remember that... it doesn't count!), and now I've been in it like 3 times and there is talk of more!


Mrs. S said...

I'm Cindarella!!! I especially like the part about the evil stepmother...I always despised mine!

Katherine Ronachert said...

from one princess to another, i hope you have a fabulous weekend, full of sleep!

Tarylyn said...

i am snowwhite too :/
haha it lies