Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog-Stalking Idea #3

Yeah, so my life has been particularly vaNILLA lately. Just wake up, go to work, go to class of some sort, work on school stuff, go to sleep; wake up tomorrow and do more of the same! What a dull life! Haha!!! So I found a cool post (a tag post) from blog-stalking, and I'll use it. But first, I will fill you in on the highlights of anything interesting...

Hightlight #1 -- Brad called me yesterday. He is hilarious. He drives a lot for his job, and he's gotten in the habit of calling me whenever he's on the road. So he just called me yesterday to say he was on the road, so he had to call me, since he always does. And then he laughed. I'm telling you, he's a dork. Nah, I'm kidding. He's an awesome brother. I told him that his calling me when he's on the road has become "tradition." Highlight #2 -- I didn't get as much work done on my paper as I would like to have gotten done. I made some headway, but not nearly enough. I now have something like 9 pages, but two of them are the bibliography, and one of them is not full. Sigh. Highlight #3 -- Christina called before Institute and she and I had a good conversation. I love talking to Christina. Nick has a job interview on Thursday, so I'm really hoping and praying he gets the job! And I got to talk to my Desiree. She knows when Christina is talking to me, and I can hear in the background saying, "I want to talk to Aunt Hoda." I miss that baby! Oh, I just miss my whole family! Hightlight #4 -- Institute is AWESOME!!! If you want to sit in a class that makes you feel excited about fasting and fast offerings, come sit in Pres. Archibald's Institute class on Isaiah 58.

Okay, and before I forget: *Christina has guessed the movie quote correctly (and Christina, owning the movie is not cheating crazy ;). It just means you have that extra edge!).*

And: movie trivia (Julie, you can't guess, because you know the answer, since you heard it on your Sirius radio :)!) Question: In the movie Dirty Dancing, what was Jennifer Gray's character's real name? (If you'll recall, everyone called her "Baby" in the movie). I'll see if I get any guesses... But either way, I'll post them by the end of the night ;). Also bonus points if you know after whom her character was named (her "real" name). And Elka, it's not a first lady :).

Okay, and now for blog-stalking idea #3: ABC Tag

A- Attached or single: single

B- Best friend: J-bean

C- Cake or Pie: Both? Because it really depends on what kind :).

D- Day of Choice: Hmmm.... I'm a big fan of my Saturdays. But I like Fridays too. And Sundays... Yep, it's a weekend thing :).

E- Essential Item: Camera. How else am I going to preserve the memories?

F- Favorite Color: Dark green, like hunter green

G- Gummie Worms or Bears: Not a fan of the gummy stuff. But the bears, at least, are smaller.

H- Hometown: Cardenas, Panama, Panama (still the place I've lived the longest)

I- Indulgence{s}: Coldstone ice cream... Janet Evanovich books (these are my guilty pleasures :))

J- January or July: Right now, in Alabama, January... July is like a sweltering sauna, and in January, you stand the chance of having high temps in the 60s and 70s

K- Kids: one day...

L- Life is incomplete without: my family; the Gospel

M- Marriage Date: TBA

N- Number of siblings: 3 - one older brother, one younger brother, and one younger sister. Not to mention the in-laws!

O- Oranges or Apples: Only really like apples if they are applesauce or baked in a pie, etc. Or already cut up.... Haha. Like oranges a lot.

P- Phobias or Fears: never having the loving eternal marriage and the opportunity to have children I so desperately desire... also, i'm afraid of running out of oxygen, so you'll never find me in a space shuttle in space or in a submarine or scuba gear... (Not sure why flying in a regular plane doesn't bother me, but whatever :))

Q- Question to Ask God: What's the deal with all the little bumps that are on the BIG bump? (Oh, and I'm being figurative here... the bumps on road of life).

R- Reason to smile: I LOVE MY FAMILY!

S- Season: Fall and Spring, when they are acting like Fall and Spring. I like not needing to heat/cool my apartment.

T- Tag Three: Oh, whoever else needs a blog-stalking idea :)

V-Vegetarian or Oppressor of animal: I'm an omnivore. And that's not oppressive.

W- Worst habit: Probably complaining? I don't know what my worst is...

X- X-ray or Ultrasound: I've only ever had an x-ray, so we'll say that. Although I'm betting an ultrasound, if it's during a pregnancy, is a lot more exciting than an x-ray.

Y- Your favorite food: Look, in my family, you don't have favorites... All food (well, almost all of it) is created equal :). But not if you're licorice. That's gross.

Z- Zimbabwe or New Zealand: this is a zany question. There you go... There's my Z


Katherine Ronachert said...

it's after a first lady, but because you asked the question, i can't remember. let me shower, then i'm sure it'll come to me!

Nilla said...

Nope, not a first lady... I added this info in my blog post, since you saying that made me remember that I also wanted to see if anyone would know who her character's real name was named after :). If that makes sense. Don't you just love movie trivia? Especially from 80s flicks :)? I DO I DO!

Katherine Ronachert said...


Katherine Ronachert said...

frances? figaro? fruit loop? just kidding, the first.

Katherine Ronachert said...

i copied your idea. i have nothing today! brain fart.

juliebean said...

I like the TBA answer. Too Funny. Umm, did I not surprise you with a phone call yesterday, in the middle of the day no less, and give you your Dirty dancing trivia question? I did not get any credit for that nice surprise. I love that 80s channel on Sirius, so great!

Nilla said...

Juliebean! I did say you heard it on your Sirius radio :)! But I'll clarify! Julie called me at work (and asked to speak with Beverly Clearly) and told me about the trivia question (actually she asked it to see if I could get it -- which I did!). So yes, Julie needs the credit for where this question came from :). And yes, I ended that with a preposition.