Thursday, March 11, 2010

Disappointment and Growth

It is hard to be disappointed. It changes things. Disappointment can come from so many sources. Situations. Circumstances. People. I think the most intense disappointment can come from other people. It is hard to think something and have that perception changed by another's actions. And it is hard to realize that it is very likely that there have been times in my life where I have been a disappointment to someone else. I know I have. I know I've even been disappointed in myself at times. And I know I will continue to be at various points in the future. Not because my goal is to be a huge disappointment, but because I am imperfect. And I know that with that imperfection comes many opportunities to disappoint someone else. It also comes with opportunities for growth, though. I can always try to do better and to be better. I'm learning that. And I'm learning that sometimes the only thing we can do is just start where we are.

And I find that sometimes these feelings solicit thoughts. And I wonder if we aren't sometimes given disappointments so that we will be a bit more thoughtful and ponderous (is that even a word?). I find that my new job provides me with a lot of quiet time to think. And I've had some interesting thoughts pop into my head as of late. Thoughts that I never ever thought I'd have. Now, these may be just idle thoughts that will go nowhere and mean nothing. But maybe they are more significant than that. The only way to know for sure is through sincere prayer and patience. But I can see several things changing as far as how I feel about things.

So yeah. Maybe disappointment is just another thing that creates growth. Because maybe it makes us move in another direction.
Speaking of growth... Check out my baby seedlings :)

And check out these other babies that are all growing entirely too fast. Saria is beautiful. When did she grow up this much?
We took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese earlier this week. You know you are getting old when following a kid around Chuck-E-Cheese is your definition of exhaustion ;).

Here's Benjamin with his 4 year birthday cake. It's hard to believe he's 4. And here's one of me and Emily. I think she looks so funny in this picture. In her defense, it was way past her bedtime, and she was trying to figure out what I was doing with the camera when I was taking a picture of the two of us.

1 comment:

juliebean said...

I love the You know your getting old when............ comment. That is one to remember. We could write a book with our funny sayings. :) You have been contemplating life I see. I have been to tired this week to think such deep thoughts.