Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Partial Transplant

I have plenty to say. But in the interest of finishing that book I'm still reading sometime in this century, I am just going to post a couple of pictures and be on my merry little way. The story is that my tomato plants are growing like weeds. Well, most of them are. The ones that I transplanted don't seem to be doing the very best, but they aren't dead, so I guess that's good. The other ones, though. Man they were taking off! So, it was really time to transplant them all. They need more room to grow. So I went and did some shopping yesterday. I got soil and I got pots. I was going to original get plastic pots that I could re-use. Then I saw these biodegradable ones for cheap at Wal-Mart that you just plant with the plant in it when you go to put it in the garden. So, I'm going to try that route. If this works, I will just start with those next year, and then there will be no transplanting at all! I'm really concerned the transplants will not go well...
So tonight I transplanted about 1/3 of my plants. It ended up getting dark. I had run several errands after work, so I didn't have a lot of daylight left. I should be happy with what I did accomplish :). So here are a couple of pictures. And here's to hoping the other 2/3 will forgive my slacking and survive in their crowded space for one more day!

1 comment:

jessica said...

When Harry Met Sally. Your little garden is looking fantastic!!