Friday, May 9, 2008

It's a celebration!

So, celebrate good times -- come on! Woo-hoo! (And you can thank me later for the fact that you'll have this song stuck in your head for the majority of the day... if not longer :).) You know you love me.

So, I decided to party down last night. By myself. Because I had reasons to celebrate. And just because I don't have anyone to celebrate with (yes, I know this is grammatically hideous, but as I like to write like I talk, I have to do this and pretend like I wasn't an English major so I can stress my words in writing like I would verbally. So there.), I decided I can still celebrate by myself and have my very own girlie night. I'm a girl, it was night, I partied in my own Nilla way. So, it qualifies.

My first reason to decide to celebrate this: Look ma!  I got it!
(Okay, I'm going to embed multiple pictures in this post, but if you click on any of them, they will take you to the same album and you can view all the pictures in larger size. Just FYI).

Yep -- I got it... My new pasaporte! It's blue :(. I have officially become unofficial :(. Oh well. My old passport was not returned with the new one... I read that it says it may come separate. I just better get that thing back. It was my passport that, it turns out, I look like a model in the picture. Alas, my new passport picture did not somehow become more model-like in its absence. Sigh. Oh well. I guess those kinds of miracles don't happen :).

Okay, and if you have looked at the other pictures by now, you should know that I was having tons of fun using my timer on my camera. I'm so cheesy. I was trying to get a cute shot. Those I put on photobucket were my best ones. Sad, I know. It was easy to get some ugly ones. Hahah...

Okay, reason number 2 to celebrate (not pictured) (does this flash you back to your yearbook days?) -- The semester is OVER!

Reason number three? Well, no picture here, either. And technically, I wasn't celebrating it last night, since I didn't find out until just now... The economic stimulus packages are real! I got mine! And it was better than I dared to hope! Woohoo!!!

Okay, and reason number 4 to celebrate?
Proof of purchase ... haha
I labeled that picture "proof of purchase." And that was taken sometime around 11:30 last night because I remembered I wanted to do it. I can't really see anything, because I took off my glasses -- they aren't so pretty, but the price for them was. Anyway, there's my lovely game :)! And let's just face it -- I'd make a lousy "The Price is Right" chick.

So, how did I celebrate, you ask? With a chick flick and delicious indulgence. Because I can. And because there are some good things you can't get too much of (yes, I know, another purposeful grammatical foible):
Never too much of a good thing

Oh you know it :). Mint chocolate EVERYTHING. That Publix brand frozen yogurt is phenomenal... It tastes like ice cream. I had bought that dark mint chocolate "sauce" a while back at Wal-Mart because they had it on sale. So, I thought to myself what a wonderful concoction I could make by purchasing that mint cookie ice cream. So I went to Publix. And I saw the mint crisp m&m's there at the check-out. And I just knew there was nothing wrong at all with adding them to my mint chocolate concoction. And really, it was healthier than you think. Because:
  1. it was frozen yogurt (and therefore much healthier than ice cream)
  2. the m&m's are of the crispy variety, so they are not all chocolate, and plus, it has mint, which is from a leaf, which is green and therefore falls into the vegetable category :)
  3. because the sauce was Smuckers. And you know what they say... "with a name like Smuckers, it has to be good [for you]"
I'm sooooo laughing right now :). I'm such a dork.

So anyway, I sat down and watched Fried Green Tomatoes, because it was at the library for check out; because I haven't seen it in a long time -- and I'm not entirely sure I ever saw the whole thing in one sitting; because Elka mentioned it having an important life lesson on my chick flick post :). It was pretty darn good, actually. Kathy Bates' character made me laugh when she rammed those young rude girls' car. They so deserved it (even if it's not nice).

So, here I am, enjoying my solo-celebration :).
Trying to look cute with my ice cream

And because you all need a good laugh, I didn't delete this picture... And I even included it for you. This is what happens when you try using a new timer setting and it turns out it's a much faster one, even though you thought it was going to be one that gave you more time... Priceless.
Hard to use the timer sometimes...

So, I'm going to a graduation reception tonight and am supposed to meet April's boyfriend Mark. Then it turns out that, tomorrow, my friend Karen is getting a rare chance to drive up to Birmingham, so I'm meeting her at the Temple. That was a nice surprise phone call I got on Wednesday. Karen is an L&D charge nurse in Dothan full-time, goes to school part-time, has 4 children whom she home-schools, and a house to manage... I don't know how she does it. So, it was wonderful when she called Wednesday and said she was free Saturday and wondered, on the off-chance, if I was. And the way things worked out, I am. It will be wonderful to see her :)!

Oh, and also in the photos are a couple from last week when Virginia and I ate dinner and ice cream. I kept forgetting to add them, so there they are :).


Stefanie Nicole Barker said...

Omygosh Hila, why didn't you let me take those pictures for you...not that you didn't do a good job! I just feel bad that you had to do the nervous-wait-for-the-blinking-light watch.
And if you get this soon, do you still want to eat lunch? If not it's cool but just let me know. I'm at Gorgas right now-writing a paper me or leave a message on my blog. K!

Stefanie Nicole Barker said...

Yeah, I'm in the Osburn room on the first floor...I might be done at 11:30 but definitely no later than 12. You can just come on in here and I'll be done soon. Thanks!

Katherine Ronachert said...

i totally LOVE fried green tomatoes and mint. what a great combo! good for you!

Mrs. S said...

How fun! Solo parties can be fun. I'm always trying to get Neal to play games with me, but he always feels he has too much to do. The ice cream looks amazing! I didn't know they had mint chocolate hot fudge. Too bad I can't have that stuff for a while... :(

juliebean said...

I love this post. You are so hilarious!! Who needs company to have a girlie night?? I am woman hear me roar..........