So I was chatting with Alysha through gmail chat the other day. And she said something about loving something. I think it was bowling. I said, "I like bowling." And she said, "I LOVE bowling!" And from somewhere deep inside, the obvious comeback bubbled up from inside of me, and I said, "Well, then why don't you marry it?" And then I laughed at myself. Because I'm so hilarious. Okay, not really. But because I remembered those corny lame comebacks from my childhood. So, following will be the appropriate responses to various comments or questions posed to you.
Of course, I have already given you the first one, but I will repeat it in case you missed it:
Statement/Question: "I love x" (x being the variable here :))
Appropriate Comeback: "Well then why don't you marry it?"
Statement/Question: "Where is x?"
Appropriate Comeback: "Up your butt and around the corner."
(Okay, so I realize this one is a little crude. But if I'm going to be honest and tell you the comebacks, this one has to be included, particularly because it is so lame as to be hilarious to me. I mean, really? Who came up with that as a response?!?)
Statement/Question: "You are such a dork (or loser or dummy or idiot, etc) (technically I should have put 'x' here too ;))
Appropriate Comeback 1: "I know you are but what am I?"
(FYI -- this statement repeated over and over can really give rise to some great fights between siblings).
Appropriate Comeback 2: "I'm rubber and you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."
(This one is particularly awesome since it's also a poem. And this one also could instigate fights when said repeatedly to a very frustrated sibling).
Okay, that's all I have. So, now I'm opening up the blog for your suggestions and memories :).
So yeah, kind of a lame post today, but I don't have much of anything exciting to tell you. Stefanie cooked some very yummy spinach lasagne roll-ups and she made 2 types of bread. Plus we had salad. And I had made cupcakes with Emily on Friday, so I'd frozen many of them for dessert for last night. And Institute was good. And I slept very well :). But I am still tired :(.
Oh, and just to keep you guys up-dated on things like job search stuff. I have found another job for which I plan to apply. It's not exactly where I would like it to be (it's in Olympia, which is an hour's drive away from my family), and it doesn't pay nearly as much as the other job (half of it, actually). But, I'm much more qualified for that position. See, with the other job, I would still have to commute, but I'd have the option of commuting most of the way by ferry, and that would give me time to do stuff, like read. I could make use of that time. But if I have to DRIVE the whole time... Well, that's kind of a waste of time. Plus it kills on gas. So then I'd logically have to move to wherever the job was, and that nixes the whole moving in with my mom thing. Which, although it may seem like a weird desire to some people, seems to me like it would be ideal. We'd be more like roommates than mother/daughter, given that we are both adults now. And my mom is easy to live with. And it'd save us some money. So anyway... Oh, but I should say that the other job for which I applied -- the one that pays incredibly well and for which I am not technically qualified -- I haven't heard anything back on that yet. I fully expected to get my rejection letter pretty fast. I mean, I had to fill out the rejection letter when I applied. So, unless they didn't get it (like my application got lost in the mail), I guess they are either actually considering me, or they decided my lame-o application and lack of meeting their qualifications didn't even merit a rejection letter. Hahaha... Guess I'll have to see. But seriously, now is the time they said I should expect to start hearing something, and as I haven't heard anything, I guess I will assume I'm not going to. And I totally don't want that to sound pessimistic and defeatist. I'm not crushed or anything. I just applied knowing that I don't meet their qualifications, so I had no delusions of grandeur. Just figured it couldn't hurt to try ;). And, with the job search, I'm not feeling particularly rushed. I am not above taking "lower-level" jobs in order to get my foot in the door. But, in order to get those, I'll have to actually live in WA. They aren't going to wait 3 1/2 months (now that the Panama trip pushed back my arrival time in WA) to fill a position for a library assistant when they can fill that locally. So, that's my story :)!
*And, Kira and Aunt Hila know the movie quote!* (And I'm pleased to say I have had more guesses this time than at any other time! And most of them have been correct!)
And P.S. -- dig into your deepest memories and see if you have any comebacks that I missed ;)!
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
whenever you can't win an arguement, the old standby
always works...
i'm going to keep digging. i'll get back to you.
Anna used to say "Go suck an egg" but Mom decided that was too crude so Anna changed it to "go suck on rocks"
"What part of NO! don't you understand"
"Why not?" was my personal favorite to annoy somebody. Especially when repeated after everything they said.
ok, i got it. my old brain works only when it wants to. It was good ole julia roberts saying that in STeal magnolias. SEe, I knew i knew it..........
"go fly a kite" or "go jump in a lake" were two that my father used to say when he didn't want to listen to what we were saying.
my mom's fav. and now mine: " whatever body part is hurting"
"yeah, but your face is killing me"
that one still makes me giggle.
good luck on the job search.
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