Tuesday, November 13, 2007

7 Random Things

Well, my cousin tagged me on her blog, which means I'm supposed to tell you 7 random things. So I'm thinking that it's a darn shame that I already have a list of Nilla Trivia, because all of those things would have worked nicely in this post. And now I am faced with challenge of coming up with 7 random things I haven't told you already! And I have seriously been thinking about this since yesterday. So, here's what I've come up with:
  1. I love lists. Although I have not kept up with my list-making the way I used to, the fact remains that I love lists. Yes, there is the usual grocery list, or the list of Christmas presents I need to buy. But then there is the list of books I've read (with dates of completion for each book), the list of books I want to read (this is an ever-changing list, because as I finish two or three on the list, I feel the need to start over with a brand new list, making item #4 on the list the new item #1), lists of things I need to do... And the list goes on (no pun intended). And even greater is my love for crossing things off of a list. For example, if I perform a task that was not originally on my list, I actually add it to my list, so that I can cross it off immediately. Okay, so maybe a tad on the neurotic side, but that's me.
  2. I am a worrier. I have not learned to listen to the advice of the Sunscreen Song (which I shared with you earlier): "Don't worry about the future. Or, worry, but know that worrying is as efffective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum." I create things about which to worry, I really do. I cannot go for long in a state of bliss, because, eventually, I will find something over which to obsess. It's not fun.
  3. I have had both of my boobs simultaneously clawed by a cat. And obviously this one requires a story, so I'll give it to you. My family has a blind cat named Socks. Her eyes never developed and my dad found her on the road one morning and brought her home. So anyway, one night (I was a teenager), I was by the bathroom door (and someone was in the bathroom taking a shower, so the water was running), and I picked her up. Well, because she is blind, I knew better than to pick her up the way I did (she and I were facing each other and I picked her up "under her armpits" if you can picture this). So her front paws are facing me. Well, she hears the water and immediately freaks out, because she thinks I'm going to put her in the water. So she immediately starts clawing, and the only thing there to claw into were my boobs. So there I was, in my pajamas, calling out to my mom to help me unattach the cat, because if I let go of her with either one of my hands, I was going to be in worse shape than I already was. So my mom came and helped unhook Socks from my tender flesh, and eventually the scars went away. But I'll always have the memory...
  4. I am an impatient person. This goes for things like time (like if I'm expecting something to happen at a specific time, I expect it at that time, no later). It also goes for life in general. My mom used to tell me, "Patience is a virtue." I could generally predict when she was going to say this to me, and it irritated me (she knows this), and I always had my response ready: "Yeah, well, it's one I don't have." At least I could always admit it :). But I'm working on it... It's a work in progress, and most days I don't think I'm getting any better. But I'm trying to get less impatient and more patient. Also, this sometimes ties in with my #2.
  5. Although I know I am blessed to be having the opportunity to earn a graduate degree, the truth is that what I want most in this world is to be a wife and mother. For me, nothing could be more satisfying.
  6. Of all the 50 States, I've only been to 8 of them (and by this, I mean that I've actually stayed in the state and visited in it): Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Utah, Colorado, Texas, and Washington. Well, let me edit that statement... those are the states that I can remember visiting. I think I've also gone to California, but that was long before I can remember, so it doesn't count. I've been through lots of other states (I took a train out to Utah when I was going to go to BYU back in 1999, so that put me going through Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois, and obviously a bunch of others that don't stand out to me, but through which I know I had to go... but again, they don't count, because I didn't actually visit them :)). However, I have been to another country, so that should count for something ;).
  7. I don't like sitting in front of a computer all day and having that be the main focus of my job. I have learned that through this job, so that means I will never be exclusively a catalog librarian. I think it makes my head hurt...

So, that's some stuff about me in a nutshell... And now I'm supposed to tag people, and since my cousin tagged me, and my other cousin has been tagged already, I guess that leaves Julie (if she wants to say 7 random things about her pregnancy, since she's keeping a pregnancy blog), Alysha (if she reads this), Jeni, and Heath. So, consider yourselves tagged, if you want to :).


Katherine Ronachert said...

i'm not tagging anyone. i know very few people, and those that i know do not "blog".
one day more until hubby goes back to work. then life will return to normal, whatever that is!

Heath Hopkins said...

I've been tagged by a Hila monstr and released back into the wild.