Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It Has or It Will

So following is a brief synopsis of things that have either happened already this week or will happen before the week is out. As usual, I had good intentions of sitting down to do a worthwhile blog -- but life is busy and it's almost 11 p.m. here, and I'm tired.

Monday was a pretty exciting day in some respects. I was considering trekking up to Olympic National Park to hang with Ladonna and her family. Alas, that did not happen. And actually, it was probably better that way. I wouldn't have been able to get away from the funeral home (we are short-staffed in admin most Mondays) until around 1:30, so I wouldn't have made it up there until maybe 3 p.m. And Ladonna told me that they were going to stay overnight here anyway and so we could go out that night. So they got into town very late (like after 9 p.m.) so we ended up just meeting at their hotel and then heading over to the Dairy Queen for ice cream. Which was fine. We had fun catching up. We closed down the DQ, and hung out in the hotel lobby where her daughters made me a few crafty things for gifts, which you will see in the following pictures. Now just so you know... Ladonna was my Mia Maid leader when I was 14 and 15 in Panama. I saw her as a friend. She introduced me to horseback riding lessons back in Panama (which I only really took for a little over a year and never was really awesome at it, but I liked it a lot). I used to babysit for her first daughter who was born in Panama and who is now about 2 inches taller than I am! I also visited Ladonna in Louisiana in 2000. I was a young 19 year old with the whole world in front of me. (Now I'm 29 with a whole heap of life's experiences behind me -- some I could have done without, in my opinion ;)!!). And her daughter Stefanie had been born by then and was about 10 months old. I wish I had access to pictures from that trip, because I'd do a "now and then" deal. Sadly, all my photo albums are safely packed away in boxes in the garage. And so you just get the "now" pictures.
I left the hotel at about 11:30 after reminiscences of crushes from my teenage years, puppy-dogging boys, and laughter. Plenty of laughter. A short visit, yes. But lovely. And how nice it is for Ladonna to think of me when she is passing through or near my current place of residence. It is true what Stacy's quote from a gift given to me says: "...some people leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
Tuesday was a more relaxing day in most ways. Granted, I did work both jobs. And granted, I did learn that I did not get that other job in the boondocks. But actually that was a good thing ;). I walked with Sue after work. Oh, after I checked on my garden. I'm having doubts about the strength of some of my tomato plants.... I fear any tomatoes they might produce will cause them to topple. But we shall see ;). After walking with Sue and having a shower, I went by John's and watched Rat Race. That movie cracks me up. I hadn't seen it in years.
Today I worked both jobs. It was Wednesday, which is usually a fun day (at least until next week when it will be a new day), because Lea and I have the same shift and since "it is only fun when it's fun," it is generally fun when we work together. We didn't have to do anything whacky today. Oh, well, except I had to help my boss count "copier money." This happens at least once a month. It is not exciting by any means. Basically we get the money out of the copy machine and do a daily cash out sheet or whatever. Well today, being the end of the month, she told me we also had to go get the money out of the tampon box. Because we sell tampons and pads in our women's bathroom, and we only have to count that money at the end of the month. Anyway, so all the keys are like uber-locked up in various places around the library. So she walks by me and says, "Oh! I have to get the tampon key." And so I walked with her and said, "So it's that time of the month, huh?" And I chuckled on the inside, because I thought it was clever (and for the record, so did Lea when I told her -- she laughed). My boss totally didn't get it and just said, "Yeah it is." I don't think she gets my wit. I, personally, am still laughing about it. Because, let's face it, it works on two levels ;). I crack myself up. Anyway, after the library, I went by Brad and Tarylyn's to watch the kiddos for an hour for them. The kids are funny. At one point, I bumped Saria's bottom and she ran out saying, "My bootie! My bootie" being all silly. And Samuel turned to me and said with a smile: "That means her butt." You can't help but laugh at that kid. I asked him if he thought I didn't know what a bootie was. Funny guy. Then I went back to the funeral home and worked for about 2 hours. Then I came home, changed into walking clothes, and headed over to Lea's. She and I walked our route and then got to her house and ate dinner which her husband and son prepared, and then we watched Love Happens. It was cute, but not one to own -- at least for me. They gave me several tomato stand thingies since I didn't have enough and my garden is looking totally ghetto once again with some tomato plants being held up by wooden headless flamingoes. You have to see it to believe it, folks. Perhaps I'll take a picture for proof ;). Look, desperate times call for desperate measures!
Tomorrow (Thursday), I will work. And I will somehow manage to find the time to come up with some awesome drink idea and/or green salad idea for movie night at Wendy's with Heidi and Wendy. We are having homemade mac and cheese, Heidi is bringing a dessert, and I'm in charge of either drinks or salad, but I figure I will probably do both. It is sure to be a fun time. Now to remember to give Wendy back her keys from when I house-sat last week... Duh! Sometimes I'm such a spazz!
Friday will be work as usual. But then Lea invited me over for her son's family birthday thing. So we will be eating lasagna and cake for dessert and just hanging out, kind of like we did last week for her daughter's birthday. Again, should be fun. Perhaps we will start watching some of the first season of Scrubs that I lent her.
And I think that's everything I have planned thus far. I am house-sitting a couple nights for Bob again (Saturday and Sunday nights). And I know we are working on planning a family thing hopefully on Monday at some point, since the funeral home is closed, and plus it's my mom's birthday.
So yeah... Busy. But often busy = fun :). And it has certainly been a fun week so far. And it's looking like it will continue that trend! After all, it is that time of the month ;). hahahaha. (And it has not escaped me that my brief synopsis is not-so-brief. It's the Nilla way, after all :)).


the happy thomas family said...

i remember you talking about her ... so glad you could meet and catch up. it's so nice when those situations just pop up.

we love rat race. haven't watched it in a long time ... but it is one that will produce chuckles every time.

and ... you must see 'eclipse'. just saying ...

love you.

Katherine Ronachert said...

my big fat greek wedding

Katherine Ronachert said...

that time of the month. HILARIOUS!! i spewed milk everywhere.

juliebean said...

i so get your humor. Your boss is a dud. Enough said about that. Your life sounds like it is hopping!! I love it!! Wish I was there to "Hop" with ya!!

Nilla said...

Stacy -- I will be seeing ECLIPSE eventually. That is for sure! And I think the Mr. Bean dude is the one that makes me laugh the most in RAT RACE. Him and that transplant heart. I laugh every time. It's so silly, but so funny.

Elka -- so glad I could aide in your milk shower :). Love you!

Julie -- I wish you were here to hop along with me too! Stupid 3000 miles (or however many it is ;) -- too many is all I know!).

jessica said...

And I just missed her. I left as a beehive.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding