Monday, June 14, 2010

I Said Hey... What's Going On?

I came up with a song-title post. It's been a while ;). And P.S... I do not care for having to watch a dumb commercial before seeing the youtube video. I shouldn't be surprised. I find it interesting that life is made up of highs and lows. I have been really happy lately. Not that there aren't blah moments. But overall, I've been so happy :). So here's what's going on in the Nilla Life this week -- so far.

Garden, garden, garden. Is that all I ever talk about? Well sort of. Mostly I'm just posting a couple of pictures here this time. But here's my commentary. I hoed the garden. My mom bought a new hoe, because the last one broke. Bummer. But I think I'm getting better at this and I'm really breaking in my body! The last two times I hoed the garden, my opposable thumbs wouldn't work right (ie for things that require a lot of thumb usage like texting). I might as well have been a monkey! Hahaha. I'm a dork. Anyway. I didn't have any thumb soreness this time. Also I didn't get tired as easily. I hoed my whole garden in one fell swoop! And watered it with the sprinkler -- ghetto style by moving the sprinkler from spot to spot. And I got soaked from the waist down, because sometimes I don't think things through. See, the neighbor has seen me out there hoeing twice now. So today he asked if we'd like some of his roll of stuff (don't know what it's called) that you put down in your garden and it prevents the weeds from growing much, because it blocks the sun. You just cut out little holes for your plants. So this sounded like a fabulous idea (less hoeing!). What I didn't really think about is that it was probably the smarter thing to lay this stuff down first and then water. But no. That's just not the Nilla way. Nilla waters first and turns the garden into a muddy mess so that when she's trying to lay down the papery stuff, she is sinking into the mud. Ah yes. The Nilla brain is a very scary place. And nevermind how hard it is to cut spots for your plants to grow through. Grrr. This was not a fun project. And I was already sweaty and hot (it was almost 80 degrees this past weekend -- and now we are cooling off again and tomorrow should be highs in the low 60s -- and I ain't complaining!) and therefore irritated. So I gave up after 2 rows. I will go back to it another day. And boy oh boy was I stanky when I was done (and it wasn't even midnight ;)!). I was in dire need of a shower. So I got one at the house rather than at Bob's house, even though I was still house-sitting. I also weed-whacked the rest of the yard before starting on the garden. And also some of the side yard that was way overgrown. Sigh. It's hard work. But to see strawberries and tomato buds is very exciting! And that's what the pictures are of. And cucumbers. Because I gave up and bought some since my seedlings mysteriously disappeared. Maybe I'll start them indoors next year.

House-sitting is over. For now. (I included a picture of Max who made himself at home on my lap on the couch while I watched tv.) I'm actually house-sitting for Wendy next week. Woohoo! I picked Bob and his wife up and his wife's sister and husband also at the ferry. I drove Bob's big old Titan truck. And I am not good at parking big vehicles. I couldn't tell how close I was to the wall in front of me. I looked pretty darn close. So I parked and got out. Shoot, I was practically a mile away! Oh well. Better that way than scratching it up by hitting the wall. I don't make a habit of driving other people's vehicles. But that was the only way 5 adults and a bunch of luggage was going to fit. On the up-side, I do manage to stay in my lane and only my lane ;).

I made my last payment on my student loan today!!! I'm so happy! Of course, it won't clear for a couple of days. But it's floating out there in cyberspace somewhere. And it'll be posted soon. And I will have met one of my huge goals for the year :). I am out of debt.

I got a phone call from the service center of my library system today. They left a message, because I was out in the fileroom shifting files and didn't have my phone. I took my time in calling back. I was nervous. I figured this was about the job for which I applied at the end of April. The one I figured I wasn't being considered for since I'm in my probation period. And I was okay with that. Well, so I got the call today. And I'm being considered. And asked to interview. And so I am going to interview. Next Friday. At 8:30 in the morning. 3 hours away. Ugh. So my mom and I are going to go down the night before and just get a hotel. Mommies are wonderful, by the way. I think it'll be nice for me and my mom to go have a night hanging out and seeing somewhere new. I still have reservations about the job. Mostly about how far away it is. When I moved to Tuscaloosa, that was really hard for me. I knew no one. I was 4 hours from my dad and everything familiar. And when I left there, I told myself I wouldn't do that again. Not because I couldn't (because obviously I succeeded and made new friends etc). But because I decided I wanted to be close to my family. And so this would kind of fly in the face of that. So... I'm not sure about it. And I'm not saying they are going to offer the job to me or anything. But I always think ahead. Just so I can worry pointlessly for 2 weeks before I even interview. It's the Nilla way. Ask anyone who has known me for any length of time ;). But I want to go and check it out and see how it feels. It would look great on a resume. I'd be making more than I'm making now and be working a lot fewer hours (28 per week, to be exact).

So today was a nutty day. Full of interesting happenings. And it was only Monday! I wonder what this week will bring.

Oh! But I've also made another new friend! She works at the funeral home and is the new location manager there. She is a lot of fun. We've been talking and laughing for about a month now and we just click. It's awesome to meet new friends and just click with them!

And I finished the Michael J. Fox biography I was reading. I really liked it. And if he can be up-beat and optimistic with his disease (which sounds horrible, by the way), then I have no reason not to be! So, here's to always looking up :). Which actually works on two levels, if you ask me :).


juliebean said...

haha. Jon puts down that black stuff BEFORE he puts the plants in the ground.... I have never heard of putting it down after you transplant... that must have been hard. I gotta tell you, break down and buy yourself a decent sprinkler, they are not that expensive, especially since you like this garden so much. It is an investment. No reason not too. You got two jobs - get out of the ghetto gardening business.

Katherine Ronachert said...

i love a good nilla read! good luck with the job... i agree with juliebean, get a good sprinkler... or don't, so i continue to laugh at your ghettoness... (not a word)

jessica said...

The garden looks awesome. I always feel a little weird when I'm doing our yard. We are the only people in the neighborhood who don't have hired help weed, rake and mow so I get some crazy looks from the neighbors sometimes. Everyone's gardeners make it look so easy and I'm half clumsy on a good day:)

She's all that.