Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So this week I am house-sitting and cat-sitting. It is nice to have a place to myself and to have command of the tv. Not that there is anything on, by the way. I'm pretty sure I won't pay for cable tv when I move out. I'd rather pay for internet and watch the shows I like on hulu or something. Anyway, so yeah. House-sitting is good. Except for when I psych myself out at night because one of the cats is always staring into the dark living room after I turn out the lights as though she sees something. So then I have to turn on the lights and check it out. I'm kind of wimpy like that. Do you ever stop to realize that, if something goes bump in the night, you might have to be the one who investigates? Yikes! When did we get old enough for that job!?! I can actually remember the first time that occurred to me. I was a newly-wed in our first apartment. And our bedroom had no windows. So when the lights went out, it was literally pitch black. And I remember saying to Heath, "You realize that if we hear something, it's either you or me that has to check it out? I mean, we're it. There's no mom or dad here to take care of it for us." And that spooked us both a little bit. And from then on, we kept the bathroom light on. I guess it was just at that moment that I realized that you aren't suddenly infused with this courage that makes you not afraid to battle bad guys should they come into your home. And so it was then that I realized my parents were probably frightened too, when the burglar alarm went off or they heard banging on the door (that turned out to be people trying to break in through the window in Panama). But they were the grown-ups. And they had a family to protect. And so they did. So anyway. I'm not really all that spooked. Just when I turn off the lights to head back to the bedroom to read and the cat starts acting weird. Then I get all kookie too. And so I won't allow myself to watch X-Files there, even though it would be a good way to watch the episodes before the dumb thing is due back.
In other news... Samuel turned 6 on Friday. He is getting so big! I simply cannot believe it's been 6 years since we drove to Valdosta and I held my new nephew who looked so much like a bald-headed Brad. So my mom and I went over and enjoyed cake and ice cream with them and watched Sam open all his presents. Samuel is a great kid. He is hilarious, just with his matter-of-fact statements. Apparently his teacher was "interviewing" him for a thing for Mother's Day, and in the middle of all the questions she was asking, Samuel said, "I'm too little for this." Funny funny kid. I love him so.
Monday was quite a fun day at the funeral home. We took a staff group photo, which took 6 tries for a variety of reasons. And then Sue and I made new centerpieces out of fake flowers for the friendship room. I'll just add Nilla Wafer, flower arranger extraordinaire to my resume. Ha! Yeah right. Sue told me what to do and I did it. Not only can I write instruction manuals, I can also follow directions :)! So anyway, here is our staff photo. We are missing two of the grounds crew, because Bob is on vacation and Jeffrey was off that day. But pretty much all the rest of us are in the photo I think.

I planted my cucumber plants and my acorn squash. And while I was there at the house yesterday planting and weed-whacking, my mom pointed out that I have 5 strawberries coming up! Woohoo!!! They are still green. But I'm excited :). Especially since I kept hearing I wouldn't get any this year. I'll let you know if they are juicy good. I will hopefully get pictures of them. Also. I have a picture here of my buds on my biggest plant. You can see how they have flowered, which is cool. The tomato is supposed to grow out there and the flower part will be on the bottom of the tomato. According to he kids' book on growing tomatoes that I keep looking at while I'm out shelving ;). Oh! And almost all of my tomato plants have buds! I'm a little concerned, because my plants are spindly, and that is because it took me so long to get them outside and into a place where their roots could spread out :). But it's all a learning experience. That's what it's all about. (The Hokey Pokey just popped into my head).Well, I shall depart for now. But this is a quick catch up :).


Heather said...

I babysat for a family one night that had a living room full of windows with no curtains on them. They had gone to a church thing down in FL somewhere, so they were gone really late. I was soo freaked out sitting there surrounded by all those windows. Luckily, I've never heard anything go bump in the night. I lock my storm doors as well as the regular and deadbolt locks on the inside doors. I even lock my bedroom door at night and the bathroom door when I'm in the shower. If someone's going to come in on me, I want to hear them coming and not be caught by surprise.

When Amber and Lee first got married, she heard a noise outside her house. Ish was working nights at the time, so he was the only one who wasn't at work. Mel sent him over there to check it out. When he got there, Amber was sitting in the living room with a butcher knife on the coffee table. Her screen door on the back of her house was flapping in the wind.

Katherine Ronachert said...

and that is why i gave up the thriller type novels... i miss them so.

juliebean said...

haha. Good post. Even funnier comments. My hubby is gone for days at a time. I hear stuff in the night, although I have never sat on the coffee table with a butcher knife. I used to keep a knife stuffed in between the mattresses, ya know, for quick pull out. you get really used to it after a while.

also.... spindly? There is a word you do not hear very often. You are a trip!