Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another [Week] Bites the Dust!

So, another week is gone. If you are yearning to hear the song, now that it's in your head, click here :)..

My week was spent doing a lot of planning. For things like Hilaween parties and family reunions! I've been helping my mom (who has far fewer minutes of free time than I do) with collecting and typing up recipes for the family cookbook. Which will be awesome, if I do say so myself. Because I have seen some of the recipes that are going into it, and they are delicious! I say you can never have too many cookbooks with tried and true recipes from people you trust and know.

I also did babysitting. I watched Desiree 3 days this past week. That little girl cracks me up. She is so headstrong and independent. And smart. She's a lot like her mommy. She'll call me, and for some reason, I absentmindedly would say, "yeah babe?" And she'd start telling me what she wanted to say, and then it registered what I called her, so she'd stop and say, "No, I don't like babe." And so I said, "What am I supposed to call you then?" And she said, "Desiree or Chiquitica." And she's consistent with it. I have forgotten multiple times in the last week and called her babe, and she corrects me every time. So funny. We spent a few minutes on Wednesday making funny faces. She just makes me laugh.

Great news for Christina!!! They got the new apartment! It's closer to Brad and Tarylyn (probably about 5 minutes from them), and closer to Nick's work, although this means Christina will have to drive to work now.

I did a lot of phone-talking this week. I talked to my dad last night. I love talking to my dad. He is a great dad. I love to make him laugh :). I don't remember what I said last night that made him laugh, but it was something and he said, "Ah Hila, you crack me up."

I also talked to Juliebean on Thursday. We had a great conversation too! I miss talking to her and wish my cell phone minutes didn't limit how often I can talk to non-Verizon people. Because the 3 hour difference in time between here and Florida somehow makes it hard to talk to Julie at convenient times for one or both of us! Who knew?

And, I got 2 packages in the mail yesterday! What a surprise! Have I mentioned before that I have been blessed with wonderful, wonderful friends? One is from Juliebean! and it includes my birthday presents, which I have not opened. So, you can expect to see pictures of those next week (when I get all old(er) and turn 28...). My dad told me last night that I have no business being 28. I concur, Dad, I concur. So thank you in advance, Juliebean! It made me smile!!! And I'll thank you again in a few days, when I have my picture taken with them :).

The other I got to open and see what it was, so you can see too :). It was from April and Courtney!! Like I said, I was surprised! Anyway, so she called it a job-search survival kit. Because all you need is chocolate and a cute guy :). And Jim from The Office is definitely cute. And Twix is definitely chocolate :). Thanks April and Courtney!!
Job Search Survival Kit

And, I love it when networks post full episodes of the latest episode online. It makes it easy for me to watch the latest CSI at midnight, since The Addams Family won out on the tv at CSI-time. Hahahah :). And it makes it easy for me to stay up-to-date with The Office.

So, if you don't hear from me before then, you'll definitely read something on Thursday or Friday. When I'm all old(er) and 28 ;). Ugh.

Oh, and ps... Don't store your oats in an enclosed container that also is storing any kind of bath soap. Turns out the cardboard container that oats are in will soak up the smell... and taste. And so will the oats. If you do this, you will have a slight soapy taste in your uncooked cookies. I, of course, would never do this. But I thought I'd warn you.

So, pps... If I'm foaming at the mouth, don't assume I'm rabid. Assume I'm soapid. (Is it a coincidence that that looks a lot like stupid? :))


Mitchell4 said...

I love the job search survival kit idea. Why didn't I think of that? I'm asking permission to use it.
Your soap/ oatmeal comment at the end of the post made me laugh.

It's great that you got funmail. Can't wait to see how your family cookbook turns out.

April Lauren said...

Desiree sounds like a hoot! Hope all is well!!!

Virginia said...

Soap flavored oatmeal might be ok ... as long as it was ... oh ... I don't know ... maybe applecrisp scented soap!

Stefanie Nicole Barker said...

Dude I am SO doing a family recipe book with my mom TOO! Christmas presents! I love you, Hila!

Nilla said...

Virginia... Nope. This was good old Lever 2000. For all your 2000 parts (including your tongue and taste buds :)).