Yeah, so it's been, what? Over 2.5 months since I did any of this list... So, let's just say that five of these fulfill my obligation to Kristy for five things about me. And the other five are just bonus. If I can even come up with that many!!! So, here it goes:
61. I talk with my hands. A lot. I just always have. I don't even notice that I'm doing it, unless I'm in a more formal setting. Like giving a talk in church. Or an interview. Then it becomes painfully obvious to me, but I can't seem to help it.
62. When I was a kid (about 4th grade), I wore shorts all the time. I didn't even own jeans. This lasted until I was in 7th grade or so. You want to know why? Because I thought I was too fat for jeans. I didn't think they made them in my size.
63. Now I don't ever wear shorts. Know why? Because even though I know they make them in my size (and bigger), I feel like I would look like a heifer in them. So, pants/jeans it is!
64. So, as you may imagine, I have really white legs. My dad called me "Snow White" one time in Panama (when I lived there, not the visit) because of my white legs. He was teasing me. I have to say, "Good one, Dad." I still remember it to this day. (Hey, at least he acknowledges that I'm a princess :) :) :) :) :) )
65. I eat pie backwards. From the crust to the pointy end. Because the crust is the least best part, so I eat that first :).
66. I can remember being in 8th grade and having to type a report for English. We didn't have a computer at the time, so my mom took me to the public library (on Ft. Clayton) to type on their computers. I had to hunt and peck. And I was positive there was no way I'd ever learn how to type without looking at the keyboard.
67. I learned how to type without looking at the keyboard when I took keyboarding in 9th grade. Now I'm a pro and a lot of people comment on my typing speed (including Loretta at UA, who knew I was there before she rounded the corner of my cube because she could hear me zooming away on the keyboard and would always comment on it.)
68. When taking a typing speed test, I lose time because I can't leave my mistakes. I have to correct them.
69. I type a lot faster when I'm just typing what I'm thinking rather than typing something set in front of me that I am typing verbatim. I think it's because I take the time to actually read what I'm typing, so I'm taking the time to register what the word says. I think I type word-for-word rather than letter-for-letter... if that makes sense.
70. I used to pass notes with a kid named Michael in my U.S. History class in 8th grade. Then we ended up in Physical Science class together in 9th grade, and ended up sitting caddy-corner to each other. So, we passed notes again. We also happened to have the same teacher for typing that year. He had that class 2nd period, and I had it 4th, and we had science together 3rd. So, we would take each other's floppy disk when we were done with our typing lessons and leave secret notes for eachother in a secret file on the disks. We were so stealth. Hahahaha... There's a good chance I still have the notes we passed in class. And I know for sure I still have all the long notes he wrote me after school and gave me the next day or between classes. And no, we weren't boyfriend/girlfriend. I never even had a crush on him, believe it or not.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
THe pie thing is weird? Never seen anyone do that before. tee hee
Thats funny... i eat pie the same way!
We ate pumpkin pie last night and I was doing that... eating it that way, and I thought, "Hey, there's something weird about me that I can post in my 100 Things list..." :).
I feed my pie bones (crust) to the birds. I can't affort to waste calories on crust. I also saw Loretta yesterday and YES she mentioned that she misses hearing your typing!
i just love pie.
all types.
currently though, i'm dreaming of chocolate cream.
yes, you are weird... no wonder we get along!
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