Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Crabby and Squiddy

Sometimes a picture (even a cell-phone quality one) is worth a thousand words :).

Today was Whacky Wednesday at the library for the Summer Reading Program. So we got to wear hats to go with our "Make a Splash" theme. That's Lea in the crab hat. It was pretty funny all day long. Apparently one kid came in while I was at the desk and started laughing when he saw Lea's hat. Then he looked at mine and said, "Ewww!" and pointed. Lea thought that was hilarious. Yep, it was a fun day today. The looks you get when you have an octopus on your head... And a pink one at that!


juliebean said...

you look pretty! So happy!

Katherine Ronachert said...

speaking of crabs... i took one of the boys toy crabs and threw it at hubs proclaiming, "i've got crabs!" i then proceeded to crack up. he thought i was nuts.

Nilla said...

Elka -- that his hilarious!

Julie -- thank you chica :). It was a fun day :)!

April said...

Cute! Love the hats!