Tuesday, April 13, 2010

If You Knew What I Know...

You would understand... I'm a zonian!
Okay, so I totally wish that the Zonian song could be found on youtube. Alas, I did not find it. It's an awesome song by Shorty & Slim. And the reason it is applicable to this post is because of the line about platanitos, Chorrera Autopisto, Diablitos :)! (I'm singing as I write it ;)). But you can enjoy this song by them instead. Also an awesome song.

So my dad went to Panama. And I asked him to bring me back platanitos (fried plantain slices, for those who don't know -- like potato chips, but better). As many platanitos as $30 would buy and he could fit in his luggage. Well, I was figuring I'd get a bag or 2. Maybe 3. Instead he brought back 8 of the bags that I specifically told him about (the ones I discovered are really really yummy when I was there) and 4 smaller bags that are not the same brand, but are actually very yummy too. I now have a platanito stash! Thank you Dad for doing such wonderful things for me! I love you!

P.S. It's also National Library Week, and today was National Library Workers' Day. Libraries rock! So don't forget to love your librarian :).


Anonymous said...

Awesome song! I'd go back to Panama in a heart-beat if I could. I loved my time there!! Thanks for posting the song. Love, Aunt Hila

Katherine Ronachert said...

holy yum!!!!!!! i might have to make some now