Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Opinions Needed - And Fast!
The pros of this position are that I would be a library manager. Yes, I've been that before, but it's a little different here, and I'll be managing other people. This will look fabulous on a resume. It's a small library, and I like that. I loved Ashford. I loved the small-town feel of it all. This position is an increase in pay by about $7000 a year, and I'll be working a lot less hours. 28 to be exact over the course of 4 days a week. Which would mean I could take on a part-time job if I really wanted to. Plus it still has all the insurance and retirement benefits I enjoy now as part of the library system.
The cons of this position, were I to be offered it, are as follows: It's 3 hours away. I'd have to relocate. I'm so ready to be on my own, it's not even funny. But I moved to Washington, in part, to be close to my family. Living 3 hours away is practically like living in another state. It would be a "trip" to come and see my mom and my siblings and my nieces and nephews. (Although I would be a lot closer to Forks, so maybe that's a plus ;) -- haha, totally kidding). The other thing is that this library is kind of out in the boonies. It's about 40 minutes to the nearest real town, though my understanding is that there are some convenience stores and such there. Plus it's probably beautiful, since it's in the rainforest and right next to a lake in the Olympics. And it's a bit less expensive to live there according to alligator Bob, so my salary should probably be sufficient. I'm pretty sure I could live on that salary here where the cost of living is a bit higher, so I think I could definitely live there just fine. Mostly my biggest concern is being as far away from my family. The kids already grow up so fast.
But I'm single. And I don't have anything tying me here. I could pick up and move to Timbuktu if I wanted (though my best friend tells me I'm not allowed to leave the States). And this is a great opportunity to get a really great position on my resume (possibly -- this is all assuming I even was offered the job). And there's nothing to say I would have to stay there for the rest of my life. It could just be a stepping stone. A way to get that kind of a position under my belt and then, should something open up here in this county, I could apply for it and maybe have more of a chance of being considered.
Ultimately, I've never wanted to be a career woman, it's true. But like one of my favorite quotes reminds me: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." What I had planned for my life is not what I'm doing now. I wanted to be a wife and a mother. And somewhere along the way, I got a bit derailed. And while they are still what I want, I am learning to accept that they may not be what I get. And so maybe I need to consider this, because maybe it's the path I need to take.
And I totally realize that, in the end, the decision to apply or not apply -- or to accept the job or not accept it, should I be offered it -- is mine and mine alone. I will have to pray about it and ponder it. But it never hurts to ask my loved ones (ie all of you ;)) what their opinions are. So, feel free to comment with any thoughts :).
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Nothing to Write Home About
My alarm starts going off at 7:30 in the morning. I usually hit the snooze button at least once, so that's an extra 5 minutes. Sometimes I hit it 2 times, though :). I'm a girl who loves her morning sleep. I drag out of bed, utter morning prayers (and I'm not going to lie... they could be a lot better and more ponderous rather than me just trying to stay awake during them), and haul myself out for my morning routine, which consists of washing my face, putting in my contacts, and brushing my teeth. Then I come back to my room and decide what I'm going to wear. Some days I'm a bit smarter than others, and I start pondering my wardrobe while brushing my teeth or whatever. I grab my laptop bag -- with laptop, of course, my purse, and I head upstairs. I pour some orange juice in a bottle and take it with me to the funeral home. I usually also try to find something quick I can grab for lunch. Then it's off to the funeral home, where I work from 8 to 9:15. Then I drive 20 minutes to the library -- and drink my OJ on the way. I work at the library from 9:45 to 1:45. If I'm wearing my pockets, then you can text me and I will respond. If not, my phone will be locked up in my locker. Some days I make the mail run -- which takes between 15 and 20 minutes. Other days the boss makes the mail run. By 1:45, I'm ready to head out. And so I do. Back to the funeral home, where I continue to work (and work the crossword puzzle with Bob) until 5:15 or 6, depending on the day of the week. If it's Monday, Wednesday, or Friday and not rainy (yesterday was terribly rainy and windy), I meet Wendy at the walking track, and we walk for about 45 minutes. I come home, water my tomato plants (the tallest of which is now about 2 feet -- and they still have about 2 weeks before ground planting...), and get a shower. Sometimes I go watch a movie with a friend. Sometimes I run errands at the store. Sometimes I hang out at home. It's really not thrilling at all.
Today they did a grill out at the funeral home. Not really sure why. But whatever. Buck and Bob were so nice, they cooked up my steak when I got back from the library so that I wouldn't have to have a cold or re-heated one. Plus they saved me a baked potato and brownie. Such nice guys.
I had a dream the other night in which I lost three of my top teeth on the left side. They were the three right behind my pointy canine tooth, and they all came out at the same time, because for some reason, they were all attached to each other. And I remember later in the dream, I had more teeth fall out, and I put them in a glass of milk, because they say you are supposed to do that if you have a tooth come out with its root attached (true story). My mind is strange. It juggles around a lot of different stuff and sticks it all together in a semi-cohesive dream. The losing my teeth thing is a recurring dream (or should I say nightmare?) thing for me. I think I have a serious subconscious fear of it.
I made a list of most of my movies. Last count was somewhere around 110. That's both VHS and DVD, and it doesn't include my tv episodes. I don't know why I love to buy movies so much.
My laptop battery is about to die. It's going on midnight. I have to go to sleep. So I am done :). Just felt like doing a little bloggity blog.
P.S. Today Saria turned 9. That seems unbelievable to me. Next year is double digits. Scary thought.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Because Thorns Have Roses
I'm so thankful that my tomato plants are growing so much! It's so exciting to watch them. Just about 2 more weeks, and I'll be planting them outside :)! Still hoping for good production!
In a tanked economy where there are over 10,000 unemployed people in the county in which I live, I am thankful to have, not only one job, but 2. And yeah, it can get old getting up at 7:30 and working 6 days a week. But I have the money to meet my obligations and then some. And so I am thankful to have work, even when I'm tired.
I am thankful to have insurance. Good insurance. For vision, dental, and health. Because already, that insurance is going to good use. I've visited the dentist (though my cleaning isn't scheduled until May 21) and my first "introductory" visit and my teeth cleaning will be free. And, due to some bum circumstances, it will save me $500 on re-crowning one of my teeth. And yeah, it stinks to pay $500 more on this same stinkin' tooth. But it could have been $1000. And it could have gotten worse if I hadn't been able to go the dentist now.
I am so thankful to have true-blue, stand-beside-you-through-everything, be-there-for-you-for-anything friends. Lots of them. I know there are people who don't have a clue what a friend like that is like. I'm so thankful I do.
I'm thankful to have nieces and nephews who love me and whom I can see frequently. Ones who say, "My daddy (speaking of Brad) is 17." And when he is corrected that his daddy is actually 28, he replies, "Oh my gosh! Dad had a birthday while we were asleep!" Because then you can't help but smile. And for that small moment, all is right with the world.
There are so many roses among my thorns. And sometimes I just need to stop and count them. And then smell them ;). And for now, I'm going to curl up with my laptop and watch an awesomely 80s chick flick that I borrowed from the library. And since it's an I Love the 80s one, it also came with a CD of four 80s songs. How awesome is that?
Monday, April 19, 2010
Heavy Sigh
Sunday was a great day. We (the Ward Choir) sang. I love singing with the choir. I didn't ever think I would like it. But I do. I love it. And my lesson went well. Bribery works well on 12 and 13 year olds ;). Granted, we usually only scratch the surface of the lesson. It's hard to keep their attention. But if they get just one thing out of the lesson that they didn't know before, then that is good. While in my class, one of the kids started singing. The other class members told him to stop singing. I said, "Yeah. You can only sing if you are going to join the Ward Choir." I was joking of course. Another kid in the class piped up, "No, you don't want to join the choir and sing with all the old people." I looked at him and said, "Hey! I sing with the choir!" And he said, "Exactly. Old people." Heavy sigh. I am officially old. When did that happen!?! On the positive side, I am learning a lot just from teaching. They ask questions -- and sometimes I don't know answers. So I come home and study their questions so I can return with an answer the following week. I like the kids I teach. They are good kids. I think this will be an enjoyable time for me. I hope it will be for them as well.
It's awkward when someone comes up to you at the end of Relief Society and tells you she "has a guy for you." It just is.
When it comes to Jelly Bellys, don't mix lemon with juicy pear. Juicy pear flavor is gross enough on its own (seriously, Brad and I used to try to give each other that flavor because it was the worst one -- or maybe tied with the coffee one). But just don't mix lemon with juicy pear. It tastes like vomit. Ugh.
Thinking something is going to happen a certain way and being excited about it, only to have it go kaput, kind of stinks. But I suppose that is life.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
For Love of the Library
Libraries are awesome. They are a very important part of a democratic society -- a fact I didn't really think about until I was in library school. A good library (particularly public libraries in this case) will have a variety of information, even if that information might offend some people. Consider the fact that there are mulitple books on the shelf in the library where I work that give tips on how to grow certain illegal substances. While I personally may not agree with the views and information made available in books in the library, I recognize that having those materials is a sign of a democracy. People are allowed to choose.
Libraries are awesome. They are, in a way, an equalizer. All people can use a public library. You don't have to drive a certain car, earn a certain amount of money, have a certain number of children, etc. If you are a resident of an area, you can generally obtain library privelegs. If you are just passing through, you can still benefit from some of the services a public library offers, such as computer usage. And a public library provides access to things some people can't otherwise afford. How awesome is that!?!
Libraries are awesome. They provide hours of entertainment and learning through books, movies, CDs, and a bunch of other things.
So the next time there is a tax increase suggested on behalf of the libraries (again, mainly public libraries in this case), you should see it as a good thing. It is really the only way public libraries get any funding. And yes, I recognize it can be difficult to watch taxes go higher. But think of the benefits. Perhaps for the price of one book brand new at Barnes & Noble, you are creating a better chance to have access to thousands upon thousands of books -- not to mention all the other materials you can borrow from your library. For the price of one book! Talk about an amazing return on an investment!
Okay, so I'm done "selling" the library.
Here are a couple of things you may not realize. Things that just go with the territory of the public library ;).
When you handle a lot of books, your hands dry out faster. Plus, library books are dirty (they are, after all, handled by a lot of different people). So when you handle a large volume of library books, you can just feel it on your hands. I wash my hands more when I work in the public library. It was through working in the public library that I discovered how you can literally feel when your hands are dirty. Now that I'm back working in a public library after about 6 years, I am reminded of these tidbits :). Thought I would share them. I simply have to moisturize my hands more :). Extra washing also equals extra dryness, along with the dryness that comes with handling the books.
I'm sure there is a lot more I could say about libraries. I just think the public library is awesome. I love that I can rent movies and check out books for free. I love it. In fact, I just returned The Dark Knight, the newest Batman movie. I'd never seen it, it came through the library, so I checked it out :). How awesome is that?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
If You Call Me, You Can Call Me [Grace]
So I definitely did not shine in gracefulness today. And I'm betting I'm going to be really sore tomorrow. About 4:30, Alligator Bob asked me if I was ready to ride with him to my house to pick up the roto-tiller. He and Buck are going to work on it at the shop in order to make sure it will run so that Bob can later come and till up the back yard for my garden. I'm telling you, I work with awesome people. Anyway, the roto-tiller is in fabulous shape. The only problem is that there is gas that has been sitting in it for about 2 years, and apparently this is a bad thing, because gas goes bad and gets in the carburator (spelling?) and can muck things up. Anyway, so these nice gentlemen are going to clean it out and get it running and then come and till up the yard. Woohoo! So I rode home with Bob to pick up the roto-tiller. Well, as we backed Bob's big silver truck into the driveway, I decided it would probably be wise to let my grandmother and/or Phyllis, who sits with her in the afternoons, know what was going on so they didn't wonder.
Related side-story... Several months before my grandfather passed, when his health had gotten really bad and it was hard for him to go up and down stairs, people from church came and built a ramp out front of the house so he wouldn't have to climb the steps to the front door. The ramp is very nice, and it was so kind and wonderful of them to do this. Well when it first iced over, a slick sheen of ice came on it, and my mom slipped on it one icy morning. And so Yvonne, who we work with, got roofing shingle stuff from her husband, who is in the contracting/construction business or something, and -- well no, actually, she had her husband come and lay that stuff down on the ramp and tack it down so that it wouldn't be as slippery. Again, very kind. (There are really nice people in this world who do kind things out of the goodness of their hearts, and I am blessed to know many such people. I simply can't help noticing that as I tell this story...). Anyway, so we have this ramp out front and the sandpaper-y shingles tacked down on it, like a conveyor belt looking situation. Just so you have a visual :). Some days I traispse across the grass and just hike myself up onto the ramp rather than go all the way around to the beginning and walking up the whole thing to the door.
Back to today...
So, I get out of Bob's truck and run across the lawn to jump onto the ramp to open the door and tell my grandmother and Phyllis what's going on. Three lessons ensue:
1. Don't run toward the ramp. Added speed creates worse results. It's simple physics.
2. Lift your leg higher when you jump onto the higher end of the ramp.
3. I'm 29, not 12, and I'm not as spry as I once was.
So, my foot doesn't clear the ramp, but instead crashes into the side. And the next thing I am really aware of is that I'm down for the count on the ramp, and my left shoe is somewhere in the grass behind me. I'm sure this was hysterical from an outside perspective. Me skipping through the grass one second, and sprawled out on the tarmac the next ;). (I know it's not tarmac, but it sounded good ;)). Anyway, I get up, dust myself off, acknowledge my stinging left palm, right knee, and left thigh right above the knee, retrieve my shoe, and do what I was going to do in the first place: tell my grandma and Phyllis that we are getting the roto-tiller to be worked on. And then I go down to the carport to help Bob - who didnt even see my graceful fiasco, because he was focusing on backing his truck down the driveway - retrieve the roto-tiller.
My palm is badly bruised -- not to mention a little sandpaper rough from being scraped. And my legs aren't far behind. So yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to feel it in the morning... I'm already feeling the stiffness in my wrists. Our bodies (not to mention our reflexes and instincts, because shoot, I'd have face-planted if my mind didn't subconsciously cause my hands to go out first to brace and protect) are amazing things. They take so much abuse. Like a 29 year old trying to act like a 12 year old, running all willy nilly, and jumping up onto ramps in nice work clothes. Intelligent, no? Hahahaha... Had to share the story. And you can call me Grace ;).
I'm going to the dentist tomorrow for the first time in a year and a half. I'm so excited. Well, except that I just finished chipping a tooth while flossing. And that's not a good sign at all... Heavy sigh.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
If You Knew What I Know...
P.S. It's also National Library Week, and today was National Library Workers' Day. Libraries rock! So don't forget to love your librarian :).
Friday, April 9, 2010
Look Alike

A few years later, while working at the public library in Dothan, one of the usual patrons who usually hung out in the Reference Department and had a long ponytail (it was a guy) told me I look like Ally Sheedy. I'm hoping he didn't mean Ally Sheedy a la Breafast Club, because she did look a little nutzo in that movie (which fit her character, of course ;)), but on a regular day, she's pretty, so I didn't mind.
Most recently, Bob (not Alligator Bob but the other Bob) at my funeral home asked me if I ever watch Ugly Betty. Well, I don't. But anyway, according to him, I look like America Ferrarra, not I should stress, in Ugly Betty garb. He said I look like her when she's normal. Hahaha. Again, a nice thing to say, because she is pretty. And I like her hair.
And I'll tell you what... When you are unhappy with the state of your own hair, you tend to notice every woman's hair that you see.
Anyway, so those are some of the actresses people say I look like. There might be one more, but I can't remember it. What do you guys thing? Any resemblances? And what about you? Have you ever been told you look like someone famous? And if yes, who?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hippetty Hoppetty
Monday, April 5, 2010
Say What?
Double Down "Sandwich"
Here's how I imagine a dialogue going concerning the purchase of one of these treats.
Person A: "Wow, I'm so hungry, I could really go for something fattening and greasy that will leave my hands with a sheen of grease that I can lick off for that extra-filling yumminess."
Person B: "Dude! You need to go for the Double Down! It doesn't even have bread to soak up the grease!"
Don't believe me? Here's the description from
"The chicken chain is ready to roll out its Double Down sandwich, which consists of bacon, cheese & sauce sandwiched between two chicken breast fillets."
If today was April 1st, I'd think this was a prank. However, it's April 5, so I do believe this is true. Scary. But true. Hahaha.
More to come on matters of somewhat more importance (depending on who you are :)). I do, after all, have Easter and platanitos to blog. Not to mention my ever-growing tomatoes :). Plus a few other blogs that have been floating around in my head for a few weeks.