Tuesday, May 11, 2010


As you can see from the pictures above, I have planted my garden!!! I'm so excited! It was so much fun! Who knew!?! It was hard work, don't get me wrong. Very hard work. That roto-tiller was killer! I definitely got a workout and really worked my latissimus dorsi muscles -- I felt them for 2 days afterwards. But I learned a lot. Here are the things I have now experienced: I bought my first gas can. I went and got gas in said gas can. I filled the roto-tiller with gas (after spilling some on hand -- always have to do something dumb like that ;0)). And I roto-tilled. And I planted all my garden. Turns out, also, that gas smell stays on your skin a long time. I washed my hands 3 times, plus took a shower and my hand still smelled of gasoline! So I washed my hand in bleach water. And that resulted in my hand smelling like bleach and gas. Clean and manly. Very sexy. Hahahah. Kidding. So anyway, Saturday I did most of the tilling after work and shopping for supplies like garden gloves and fencing (to keep an annoying daschund out of my garden since he won't use it when there's grass on it for his bathroom, but the minute it's tilled under, he's in there to poop in it. Dumb dog). I finished tilling it on the deepest setting and then raked it over once. I really didn't know what i was doing ;). So I checked in with my co-workers Buck and Bob and they told me what I needed to do. And so today after work, I raked it over twice more. By about this time, my friend John got here and he helped me dig holes and completely dug up the area by the fence where I couldn't reach with the tiller. Lots of yuck worms. I know they are good for the soil and the garden. But ewww! I don't want to see them. I'm kind of prissy like that. Anyway, it is so nice to have it stay light outside until after 8, because we were able to get everything planted. I have 14 tomato plants, 1 pepper plant, 1 raspberry start (hoping it will take), and a row of bush peas and a row of cucumbers. This has definitely been a fun and rewarding experience for me. I had no idea this could be so much fun! It is hard work. But definitely fun. I'm excited to see what will come of it all :).

In other news... I am not hopeful about that job for which I applied. It seems there has been discussion about the cost of allowing employees who are on probation (their first 6 months of work in the system, which includes me at this point) to move into other positions. Nothing definitive has come across yet, but I am figuring this pretty much means I won't get that branch manager position. I'm fine with it. I at least did my part, and if that is a door I'm not meant to go through, I would rather have it shut completely.

I could probably write more, but I'm really tired. :). Gardening is whooping my tail!


Elizabeth said...

fyi, you put down 'just like heaven' instead of 'Forrest Gump' for last weeks movie quote...just delete this comment when you read it. :) Hope all is well! Your garden looks HUGE and AWESOME...totally jealous...one day, I too will join all you green thumbed peoples...

Heather said...

I actually know this week's movie quote. It's from Twins. That is one of the funniest lines because how could Arnold possible look like Danny Devito.

Heather said...

Great job on the garden. It'll be even more fun once you get to harvest your crops and eat them. I bought a raised bed kit that I may try out next year. Do you know how long salsa will stay good once you can it?

juliebean said...

i know the movie. twins with devito and schwartzenager.... however you spell that.

Jeni said...

We planted our first garden too, and we don't know what we're doing either! But I figure we get blessings for trying!