That some cruise lines have an onboard librarian? Who knew? I was looking at one of my standard job-posting sites and saw this. I considered how interesting it would be for a brief moment until I decided I'm entirely too wimpy to venture into that adventure. But what a revelation! I never have heard of such a thing! Pretty cool concept, though. I should tell my friend Donna. She's not too wimpy to try something like that.
I just lost a hair that was half brown and half silver. I wasn't originally going to write that, but since it just happened, I figured I'd share that news.
I have 3 cucumber seedlings coming up!!! Woohoo! I'm hoping others will start to sprout as well, but either way, I'm excited about them :). My tomato plants are continuing to hold on -- and I am impressed with that, considering the howling wind that is happening this afternoon and tonight. But we did get a good hard rain today for a little while, so my garden got watered in the way nature intended :). Always a good thing.
I hate when my pedometer starts over. It's sad to look at it at the end of the day and it says "20 steps." Whatever, pedometer! Walking for 45 minutes with Sue does not equal 20 steps! Luckily I had looked at it while I was out tending my garden and before it reset itself. I know I'm well over 5000 steps.
And that's about it. I walked with Sue this afternoon, and I'm walking with Lea -- my friend from my library job -- tomorrow. I'm working on having faster-paced, more rigorous walks.
P.S. -- this is my 400th post! Woohoo! Also, I just finished reading Uglies by Scott Westerfield. It's a YA book, and I really liked it.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
i say go for the librarian at sea. wow! then i can visit you!!!
i do not know the movie, but that line made me laugh!!!!!! sounds like something a brother and sister would say to each other. I bet it is an sandler movie. as in adam........
Whimpy...I don't think so. You did Panama...and LOVED it. You could take on a cruise ship if you wanted. Heck you don't have to drink 1%..., you could drink whole if you wanted to :)
Cool Runnings
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