So in picture one, you will see my ghetto garden. The week after I planted, we had very sunny dry days. This meant I had to water. And with either lousy water pressure or a crappy sprinkler, the result was that I would have to turn on the water, set the sprinkler in a spot and leave it there to create pools for about 5 minutes, and then move it to a new spot. Very time-consuming. But my plants needed water, so I made the grand sacrifice :). The following week, the rain came. And while that was very exciting, it also brought with it severe winds. Which made me worry about my plants. And so my brilliant idea was to make a wind-break. I couldn't think of what I should use, and then I thought of the lawn chairs. Weighed down by bricks. And so you see the results. Now, it was a pointless attempt, because the wind just came in from a new direction and so my wind-break didn't really "break wind" (hahaha, I said break wind). My plants survived, though. And the lawnchairs were successful in making my garden look totally ghetto. Hahaha. Great stuff. The second picture was taken today. I have 4 buds on one of my plants!!! This means I should hopefully have 4 tomatoes at least by the time harvesting time comes around :). Unless slugs get them first. But I'm going to think positive :). I was so excited to see these buds. I keep checking all the plants daily for them now. So far only the one plant has them. But hopefully in due time, the others will catch up. The grass has started to grow, which is annoying. I'm not sure exactly what to do to get rid of it. I tried to hoe it up yesterday, but I don't think my efforts were particularly fruitful. Plus it started raining and I got soaked. But I was still working hard enough to work up a sweat! I've pulled a few bits of grass out by hand, but that would be a never-ending task, and I'm sure there must be a way to do it en masse. Perhaps I'll need to roto-till between rows and then use a small shovel near the plants. I will ask my expert gardening friends at the funeral home :).
Lea and I walked about 5 miles on Wednesday last week. Phew! That was a walk! But it was fun. And then I stayed and hung out with her and her family until about 9:15 that night. And it was hysterical! We totally clicked and her husband and kids are hilarious. It's so fun to find a new friend. I walked with Sue on Thursday evening and we did about 2 miles -- our usual route. Then Friday I went to Lea's and, due to cruddy weather, we walked to a DVD that totally kicked our booties. Man that was more of a workout than the 5-mile walk! We were sweating like stuck pigs by the end of the 30 minutes. And then we hung out until about 10 listening to 80s music on the tv. And so I sung to "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton (would totally like to do this karaoke one day), and then "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield came on, and Lea had previously informed me that, when that song comes on, she makes her kids get up and dance and sing with her -- so yep, you know it. We all got up and danced and hopped around and sung to "Jessie's Girl." Good times.
Today I walked with Sue again after church. Church was good. The choir sang.
Overall, this has been a fabulous week. I feel great (though the scale reports no happier numbers), and I feel just... full of hope. Full of hope for the future. Whatever it holds. I'm totally excited.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
8 years ago
Haha, I would like to refer to it as your Smart Garden!! :) I think putting the chairs up with bricks was super creative!!
that made me laugh. Lawn chairs? really? Oh hila. You are too hilarious. I am glad you had a good week.
I'm so glad you had such a good week and are full of joy!
I love that you said break wind!!
You inspired me to start growing a tomato plant. We picked Roma and so far it has 2 teeny tiny tomatoes starting to grow!! =]
April -- Thanks for the compliments ;). It's still funny to me, but these stories are the stuff life is made of :).
Julie -- Girlie, glad I could make you laugh. It's what I'm here for :).
Kira -- So awesome that you have tomatoes starting! It is so exciting! I might try a variety of different types next year to see what grows best out here, but I also hope to use seeds from any tomatoes I actually grow this year. We'll see how it goes. And yeah, when I wrote "break wind" I chuckled. 'Cuz I'm slighly juvenile like that ;).
i've given up on this years garden.
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