Sunday, February 28, 2010

Isn't it [Exhausting]?

I love that music is so adaptable. I love that I can find so many songs to "alter" just a bit to fit my blog post. So, here's the song for this blog post :).

Now that I have 2 part-time jobs, I can work a maximum of 50 hours per week, I'm striving to come as close to that 50 as possible. And this week (my first full week having two jobs), I succeeded. The price, of course, was pure exhaustion. But I slept like a rock every single night, and that's always so wonderful a feeling. Of course, the other part of this is that I also have a 20 minute commute one way between jobs. And since I start at the funeral home, go to the library, and then go back to the funeral home, that means we are looking at 40 minutes a day in commuting, and that is added on to the work day. So, it can be very tiring. But I think it will all work out and I will adjust. I will have to say the library job will take a lot of adjusting. Washington State is very unionized. I'm not a fan of unions. I don't have to join the union with the library system, though it is an option. I won't be joining. But the fact that there is a union still affects me. For example... We are not allowed to even talk about work until we are officially on the clock. We aren't allowed to start working even 2 minutes early -- even if we just want to do something rather than stand like bumps on a log and not "count it" on our time sheet. It's kind of bizarre. But, I can be a letter of the law kind of person when I need to be. I shall comply. I now have a library card in 2 library systems, which I think is wonderful. What one doesn't have, the other might! I checked-out a season of Frasier yesterday from work. Also, I joined one of the "teams" of walkers at library-work. It's just friendly competition where we keep track of how much we walk every day and then the winning team gets little flip-flops hanging from their locker for the week. So I went and dug my pedometer from UA's Strive For Five out of my bedside table -- which resides in the garage ;).

In other semi-related library news... I contacted my friend Kristin and she is working on getting me a picture of Big Blue the station wagon. Yes, the library still owns it. Though, for some reason, it's spent the last who knows how long parked at the library director's house. Hmmmm. I doubt very seriously she's driving it. It's not exactly economical! But anyway, I hope to have a picture of it soon, and I will share it :).

In other semi-related "busy week" news, I also started walking again with a gal from church. Wendy and I walked Monday and Friday after work (and Friday was not a "walk in the park" as it was wet, rainy, and cold, but we persevered!), and I walked on Wednesday alone, because Wendy couldn't make it. Hopefully soon Heidi will be joining us again, but she's a tax preparer, so she has to wait for that rush to die down a bit before her hours will be more normal.

And in other not-related news.... I wrapped up my exhausting week of working 2 jobs yesterday by going to a Century Club Dinner for my funeral home job. This is an annual thing that happens and it is to recognize people (mostly salespeople) who have reached certain "goals" of selling. Anyway, it was fancy. It was at the Seattle Mariott. As always, we laughed and had a grand time. The food was okay, and I was quite surprised that I really liked the asparagus! I don't usually even try that stuff. but I don't think this asparagus was even cooked and it had parmesan cheese on it. Anyway, I was impressed with it. So, in quick succession, here are a few pictures. Oh, and for the record, our table was the loudest. We have the most fun ;). Three people from our location were recognized. And as Ken so eloquently put it, "we may not always be recognized, but we are always noticed." True. So true. Hard not to notice the red-headed step child that makes all the racket ;).

And a tidbit in "meeting my goals" news... I planted tomato seeds today in some "cubicles" (for lack of a better word) made out of wood. I am very excited to see how it turns out, but I'm also nervous. I really want them to grow and produce! And I really don't have a clue what I'm doing. So, I will keep you posted with pictures if they succeed. And I will be way excited if they do!!! But for now, here's my starting point:

Maybe I should add more water? Those dark spots of water make it look kind of pathetic!
And in completely unrelated news.... I got a coupon for $15 off at Best Buy! And this is because I joined their Rewards Zone program. I wasn't expecting to get anything that soon, but I guess it adds up quick! Woohoo! I like free money. It's exciting :). And it's "free" because I got it from earning points for spending money I was going to spend anyway. So yay!


A. Love said...

If Kristin doesn't have time to get you a picture of the wagon, I can probably do it. It's on my walking route, so I get to see it 5-7 times a week!! Yea me!

Jeni said...

How appropriate that all the funeral home people are wearing black...except that one lady. :)

jessica said...

27 Dresses

Don't even get me started on Unions. Will made me burn my soapbox, I'm so opinionated...and not in favor:)
Before I read about you planting the seeds I saw your picture and thought you had wanted to pick up wedding cake decorating or something. I know that sounds weird and I definitely laughed at myself once I figured out what they really were, but I just thought I would share:)